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Lesson One

State Standard

Gwinnett County Public

Schools Academic
knowledge and skills (ASK)

Examine the social, political, and economic conditions of pre- World War I, the
immediate causes of the outbreak of the war, the course of the war, and ramifications
within Europe and in and the United States.
Describe the social, political, and economic conditions in Europe that contributed to the
outbreak of the war in 1914.
Examine, analyze, context (function), Nationalism, entangling alliances, militarism, social,
political, conditions, ramification
Teacher has students write Students complete in formal preassessment (5 min).
down what first comes to
Assessment is designed to measure levels of background
mind when they hear
knowledge and identify misconceptions. Performance on
WWI on a sticky note and the assessment will be used to determine scope of
then place it on the board
subsequent lessons and appropriate level of detail.
to assess student
background knowledge.

Central Focus (CF)

Learning Target (LT)

Academic Language
(Sequence start)

Lesson Part

Lesson 1: Introduction and Background to the World War I

SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World
War I and its global impact.
a. Identify the causes of the war; include Balkan nationalism, entangling alliances,
and militarism.
Explain long term causes of World War I and its global impact (GPS) (SSWH_H200745)
a. Identify the causes of the war; include Balkan nationalism, entangling alliances,
and militarism.

Activity description/Teacher does

Teacher displays instructional material 1.1 on

classroom media and distributes instructional material
1.2 (guided notes) to students. Slide 1-4 displays the
MAIN causes of WWI, militarism, alliances, industrialism,
and nationalism.
Teacher delivers guided notes presentation on
militarism in Europe. Slide 1 of instructional
material 1.1 is displayed summarizing key points.
Informal assessment 1.2. Teacher draws a random
name and asks for one descriptor of militarism. Failure
to respond prompts teacher to redirect question to
class at large. Correct or nearly correct response
prompts teacher to follow with a probing question
regarding the implications of the factual information.

Teacher delivers guided notes presentation on

imperialism in Europe. Slide 2 of instructional material
1.1 is displayed summarizing key points.

Students do
Students take notes on instructional
material 1.2. Students ask questions
for clarification as necessary.

Student(s) respond to factual

question and probing question.
Teacher provides guidance on
probing question.

Students take notes on instructional

material 1.2. Students ask questions
for clarification as necessary.
Student(s) respond to factual
question and probing question.
Teacher provides guidance on
probing question.

Informal assessment 1.3. Teacher draws random

name and asks for one descriptor of imperialism.
Failure to respond prompts teacher to redirect
question to class at large. Correct or nearly correct
response prompts teacher to follow with a probing
question regarding the implications of the factual
Teacher delivers guided notes presentation on alliances
in Europe. Slide 3 of instructional material 1.1 is
displayed summarizing key points.
Informal assessment 1.4. Teacher draws random
name and asks for one descriptor of Alliances.
Failure to respond prompts teacher to redirect
question to class at large. Correct or nearly correct
response prompts teacher to follow with a probing
question regarding the implications of the factual

Students take notes on instructional

material 1.2. Students ask questions
for clarification as necessary.

Student(s) respond to factual

question and probing question.
Teacher provides guidance on
probing question.

Students take notes on instructional

material 1.2. Students ask questions
for clarification as necessary.
Student(s) respond to factual
question and probing question.
Teacher provides guidance on
probing question.

Teacher delivers guided notes presentation on

nationalism in Europe. Slide 4 of instructional material
1.1 is displayed summarizing key points.
Informal assessment 1.5. Teacher draws random
name and asks for one descriptor of Alliances.
Failure to respond prompts teacher to redirect
question to class at large. Correct or nearly correct
response prompts teacher to follow with a probing
question regarding the implications of the factual
Practice Activity

Closure Assessment
of Student Voice

Teacher conducts formative assessment 1.1 asking the

following questions:
Whose assassination was a trigger for the start
of hostilities in WWI?
Who was part of the triple entente?
Who was part of the triple alliance?
How did the cultural climate of Europe
contribute to the outbreak of WWI?

Students respond to formative

assessment 1.1 verbally. Names are
drawn from a random name
generator. Incorrect or hesitant
responses are turned over to
classroom volunteers to expand on

Exit Ticket: On a half-sheet of paper list the MAIN

reasons for the outbreak of WWI. Then rate your
mastery of the learning target from 1 to 5 (1 being
complete bewilderment, 5 being complete mastery).
Discuss any instructional methods that you found
particularly challenging or beneficial. (10 min)

Students complete exit tickets and

submit upon leaving the classroom.

Lesson Two
State Standard

Gwinnett County Public

Schools Academic
knowledge and skills (ASK)

Examine the social, political, and economic conditions of pre- World War I, the
immediate causes of the outbreak of the war, the course of the war, and ramifications
within Europe and in the United States.
Explore the concept of nationalism, how it is shaped, how it grows, and how it was
used to fuel the peoples of different nations to go to war.
Examine, analyze, context (function), Nationalism, entangling alliances, militarism, social,
political, conditions, ramification, propaganda, social Darwinism, racism
Teacher has students write Students complete in formal preassessment (10 min).
down one to two
Students access background knowledge through
sentences explaining the
completion of entry task related to previous lessons
political cartoon
learning target.
instructional material 2.1
displayed on the board.
Students swap with each
other and in an informal
assessment 2.1. Teacher
draws random names and
asks for them to read the
explanation of the political

Central Focus (CF)

Learning Target (LT)

Academic Language
(Sequence start)

Lesson Part

Lesson 2: Concept development of the idea of nationalism.

SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World
War I and its global impact.
b. Identify the causes of the war; include Balkan nationalism, entangling alliances,
and militarism.
Explain long term causes of World War I and its global impact (GPS) (SSWH_H200745)
b. Identify the causes of the war; include Balkan nationalism, entangling alliances,
and militarism.

Activity description/Teacher does

Students do

Teacher separates the students into three groups of

four, each group is presented with different instructional
information that offers different perspectives on

Students fill out instructional material

2.4-2.6 (depending on group).
Students ask questions for
clarification as necessary.

At each group there is different Instructional Material

Table one: Irish propaganda poster 2.1
Table two: US propaganda clip 2.2
Table three: Bernhard von Blow Hammer and
Anvil Speech before the Reichstag 2.3

Student(s) working in groups pose

to one another factual questions
and probing question. Teacher
provides additional guidance on
probing question.

Students engage with instructional material 2.1-2.3 and

then fill out instructional material 2.4-2.6 (guided notes)
at each station (10 min) at the end of each ten minute
session then the groups will rotate.
Students answer short answer questions based on the
data they have gathered.

Practice Activity

Teacher calls the students attention back to the front

of the class. Informal assessment 1.2. Teacher
draws random name and asks that students list out
the concepts, images, and ideas that the different
instructional material had in common. The teacher
will write these ideas on the board as they are
offered. Failure to respond prompts teacher to
redirect question to class at large. Correct or nearly
correct response prompts teacher to follow with a
probing question regarding the implications of the
factual information.
Once the students feel comfortable that they have
covered all of the similarities, the teacher will instruct
them to choose the three words, ideas, or concepts
written on the board that best sum up the idea of

Closure Assessment
of Student Voice
(Sequence end)

Exit Ticket: Teacher asks students to rate their mastery

of the learning target from 1 to 5 (1 being complete
bewilderment, 5 being complete mastery). Discuss any
instructional methods that you found particularly
challenging or beneficial. (10 min)

Student(s) provide different

answers for common elements of
national based on their experience
interacting with the instruction

Students volunteers answers for

questions. Absent volunteers
teacher draws names from random
name generator. Incorrect or
missing responses prompt teacher
to turn question over to class.
Students respond to formative
assessment 2.2 verbally. Students
are called upon to offer up different
descriptors of nationalism.

Students will choose the three words,

phrases or ideas, that best sum up
Students complete exit tickets and
submit upon leaving the classroom.

Lesson Three
State Standard

Gwinnett County Public

Schools Academic
knowledge and skills (ASK)
Central Focus (CF)

Learning Target (LT)

Lesson 3: The battle of the Somme in Paris

SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World
War I and its global impact.
c. Describe conditions on the war front for soldiers; include the Battle of Verdun
Explain long term causes of World War I and its global impact (GPS) (SSWH_H200745)
d. Describe conditions on the war front for soldiers; include the Battle of Verdun.
Examine the social, political, and economic conditions of pre- World War I, the
immediate causes of the outbreak of the war, the course of the war, and ramifications
within Europe and in the United States.
Explore the conditions of the battle front by engaging with and analyzing original
documents from the Battle of the Somme

Academic Language

Examine, analyze, context (function), Nationalism, entangling alliances, militarism, social,

political, conditions, ramification, trench warfare

Lesson Part

Activity description/Teacher does

Students do

Overview of the Battle of the Somme. Use the

instructional material PowerPoint presentation 3.1 to
provide an overview of the battle as it occurred between
July 1, 1916, and November 18, 1916, and to introduce
the days central historical question.

Students fill out instructional material

2.6 Students ask questions for
clarification as necessary.

Hand out instructional material 3.2 The Daily Express

along with the Graphic Organizer 3.3 for the lesson.
An excerpt written by correspondent Percival
Phillips describing the first day of the Battle of
the Somme, which appeared in the paper on
July 3, 1916.

Student(s) working in groups read

document and answer the guiding
questions. Share out and discuss

Hand out instructional material 3.4

Excerpt from George Coppard a British soldier
who fought during the entire First World
recollects his experience on July 2, 1916.
Hand out instructional material 3.5
Excerpt from Otto Lais a soldier in German
Infantry Regiment 169 memoir recounting his
experience during the battles first day.
While reading original documents teacher has
students highlight/underline words or ideas they do not
understanding or find particularly interesting. Teacher
circulates to monitor progress. (5 min.)

Practice Activity

Closure Assessment
of Student Voice
(Sequence end)

Use evidence from the three documents to write a short

essay addressing the question: Who won the first day
of the Battle of the Somme?

Students respond to formative

assessment 3.1 in writing. Students
are required to support their
argument with evidence from the

Exit Ticket: Rate your mastery of the learning target

from 1 to 5 (1 being complete bewilderment, 5 being
complete mastery). Discuss any instructional methods
that you found particularly challenging or beneficial. (10

Students complete exit tickets and

submit upon leaving the classroom.

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