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Activity Title: Emotions Puppets

Source: More Activities and Resources, by Norma J. Stumbo

Equipment Needed: Two paper plates, per participant, different colors of construction paper,
glue, scissors, one Popsicle stick per participant, stapler, maker, and various craft supplies
appropriate for decorating a face.
Activity Description:
The leader instructs participants to sit at the table. The leader explains to the participants
that they can use any of the supplies on the table to decorate their puppets. Each side of the
puppets should reflect a different emotion.
Once each participant has both plates decorated, the leader instructs the participants to
staple the two paper plates together, having a face showing on each side. They then glue a
Popsicle stick between the plates at the bottom of the puppets. The puppets can now be used as a
way for each individual to show how he or she may feel.
After everyone has completed this step, the leader initiates a discussion on emotions. The
discussion should touch upon various emotions that people typically feel and the conditions
under which they are normally felt. Each person in the group should tell a story that involves the
emotions displayed on his or her puppet. During his or her storytelling he or she can use the
puppets to express the emotion that was felt.
The activity ends with the leader reemphasizing the goals, using the following debriefing
1. The leader should make sure everyone is comfortable in sharing a story with the group.
2. The leader may set an example by sharing a story first.
3. For individuals who are mute can sign their story and another individual, most likely the
leader, will interpret the signed story to the group.
4. For individuals who are hearing impaired, or deaf, that cannot hear the stories being told
then leader can write or type and project the story being told onto a wall or board.

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