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D49 :

Created NEW Org : "Old Org Service" (OOS)

Created Two NEW Loc : "Old Location FIT" and "New Location LIG"
For now attached "Old Location FIT" location to "Old Org Service" (OOS) org.
Defined Organization Paramters , Receiving Parameters and Shipping Parameters for OOS org.
Defined Release Rule and Ship Confirm Rule for OOS org.
Created Two Sub-inv under OOS org namely "FG" and "STAGING" sub-inv.
Created SO with one line and gave Wareshouse as OOS at header and line level => Booked => Pick Released the
line => Line was partially Pick Released .

Received this above error message since the Org OOS is WMS Enabled.
Though the line had Released Status as "S" in WDD table => Delivery Status as => Release to Warehouse
Now, i then changed the Location for (OOS) Org to "New Location LIG" location.
Created new SO , Booked the Sales Order => Released the line by Release Rule Form => Got below error :

The line had Released Status as "R" in WDD table => Delivery Status as Ready to Release .....
I was then able to Pick Release the same line through Shipping Transaction Form.
So i think the issue was in the Release Rule => Shipping Tab => "Ship From Loc" field as suggested in CF250

TCS Public

Purchasing :
Tried to create new PR by giving Destination Org as "OOS" and location as "New Location LIG" and but got
below error , even got the same error when i changed the Location back to "Old Location FIT" :

Will try to do the P2P flow as per the required Business scenario + some research on net tomorrow regarding the
same . (Whether is it possible in Apps or not possible)

TCS Public

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