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Selection of Boars at: 4-6 months old

Breeding age at: 8 months (must be 90-100kg)

Weaning Age: 4-6 weeks (deworm, ear-notching, tattooing, castration before weaning)
-deworm=1-2 wks after weaning
-vaccine=1 wk after deworming
Preparation for farrowing:
*Deworm 14 days before farrowing
*give high ration feeds before mating
*Heat at 3-7 days after weaning
*Signs of readiness (heat):
- swelling and reddening of the vulva
mucus discharge from the vulva
restlessness and grunts frequently
mounting other pigs
frequent urination
cocks her ears frequently
*Mate to the same boar twice with an interval of 1-25 hours (during one heat period)
*Breeding Load of a Boar:
-7 mos or less: none
-7-9 months: 2
-9-12 mos: 5-7
-12-18 mos: 7-8
-18 and over: 8-10
*Feed laxative kind of food/kangkong/kamote vines/plenty of water (to avoid
*Farrow period: 114 days (usually 109-119 days)
*Farrow signs:
the abdomen swells
the sow becomes restless and nervous
the vulva is swollen with possible mucus discharge
milk is present in the teats if pressed
Care for newborns:
-dry with cloth
-slap/swing down its head to assist breathing
-tie cord
-cut the needle teeth
-suck colostrum
-inject iron dextran after 1 wk (to prevent anemia), repeat 14 days after birth
House: nipa and bamboo may be used (small-scale) w/ concrete floors
Facilities & Equipment:
*feeding & Drinking Troughs-concrete

- but old tires may be used

*heat lamps (100 watts, 50 watts after 14 days)-but box lined with sacks/saw
dust/thick bedded straw/rice hulls may be used
*Isolation/Quarantine stalls
*Farrow stalls
*Materials for newborn piglets
-surgical scissors
-clean, dry cloth for each piglet
-box and heat lamps (put box underneath heater)
-strings for tying the cord (2 inches away from the base)
-surgical gloves
-lab gown
-nipper/nail cutter (clean and disinfect before working with another)
*cleaning materials

1 wk: Pre-starter ration

From weaning-2 months (15-25kg): Starter ration
2 months-15 to 20 wks old: Grower ration
20 wks (60kg): Finisher ration
1 wk transition period in changing ration
Food alternate: cassava, camote, corn and corn by-products, food discards

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