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Name: Zeyuan Cao

Bench: 01

Q1: Comment on the accuracy of the measured voltages for cells #1, #2 and #3.

The accuracies for Pb-Cu cell and for Zn-Cu cell are high since the
difference between the theoretical voltage and experimental voltage are
0.005 and 0.05 respectively, which are small compared to the voltage
values. The difference in Zn-Pb cell is 0.1, which is large compared to
the cell voltage. The most likely reason is that several incorrect
readings were made which caused the cell to discharge significantly.

Q2: Which ligand, NH3 or EN, produces the more stable complex cations as indicated by
their Kf values? Which metal ion, Cu2+ or Zn2+, forms the more stable complex cation for
a given ligand? Explain your reasoning.

EN produce more stale complex since the Kf values are larger for EN
complex hence the reaction is more favorable towards the formation of
EN complex. Cu produces more stable complex then Zn since the Kf
for Cu complexes are larger than Kf for the corresponding Zn

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