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-Yergin- transition from ww2 saw end of mutual promises (yalta axioms

replaced by riga)- paved way for new outlook by usmastny(3/4)

-leffler-both to blame for yalta (8/9), polish questin yergin:soviet
-agreed terms at yalta: no one to blame it was a trade off- polis border for
no reparations.(9)- mastny- uusr at fault- us only to blame for not ENOUGH
-both violated the terms (10) ussr not leave ,neither did us- French made
things worse. Also no violation, sphere fo influence had bee agreed on- us
later simply tried to manipulate situation- both expanded- sclesinger us
expansion was in response to societ expansion- an attempt to uphold the
American legal and moral traditions(15) mastny (5)- successful in
yugo,cech, had to be stopped, %deal (5/6)
-schleching also argues thar Tehran last point of collabiratio- west
shocked by warsaw(16)
-williams- rev- tragedy of American diplomacy
-yergin puts forward the new post revisionist argument- long telegram
shaped national view of ussr(12)
-atomic bomb- sherwin-revisionist- symbolize roosevelts skeptesism and
post war prospects of survival pf the grand alliance secret manhattan
project since 1941- not shared with ussr- creates distance and suspicion
(the quick manufacturing of a bomb in ussr shows that they had spys tooknew all- knew us did nt trust
Bernstein- (14)interpretation- orthodox saw as necessary- it wasnt- just
needed to justify its use to the public!. Us had other options., military very
involved and very supportive of the decision- they would have known
about Japanese surrender and the effects of the bomb
=Sherwin traditionalist argues that bomb propelled cooperation- created
long lasting peace- revisionist argue not necessary froo peace and it did
not creat peace cuz created climate of proxy war from 1945-89
-Yergin-(19) Czech alliance 1947- both to blame
-Galddis- (19) European intervention to blame-overlooked complexity
-russette(3) hitler wasnt a serious threat shouldve have given aid
- complexity behind the action of the cold war.- gladdis(20/21)

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