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NB All the early dates and some of the later ones are approximate

and many are disputed

400 What is now called the Old Testament, completed
63 Rome captures Jerusalem
0 -33 Jesus Christ
33 Conversion of St Paul
70-100 New Testament completed
313 Constantine establishes Christianity
325 Council of Nicaea
334- 430 Augustine
367 NT canon is closed
1096-1291 Crusades
1054 The Great Schism
1225-1274 Thomas Aquinas
1483 -1546 Martin Luther
1509-1564 John Calvin
1517 Protestant Reformation begins
1540 Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded
1545-1563 Council of Trent
1620 Pilgrim Fathers to America
1703-1791 John Wesley
1869 First Vatican Council
1900s Fundamentalism begins to get organised in US
1906-45 Dietrich Bonhoeffer
19 10 Edinburgh Missionary Conference
1917 Religious freedom curtailed in Soviet Union
1948 World Council of Churches. founded
1968 Medellin conference opts for a theology of liberation
1961-1964 2nd Vatican Council
1984 Desmond Tutu gets Peace Prize
1985.Kairos Document
1989 Fall of Berlin Wall

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