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Just remember when you're ignoring her, you're teaching her to live without you.

They say we're too young to love but maybe they're too old to remember.
Make it a December to remember.
Lets do what we love and do a lot of it.
Make it simple, but significant.
Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.
Be somebody nobody thought you could be.
You were my cup of tea; I drink coffee now.
No one stays for you. Everybody stays depending on their need for you.
Learn to say no without explaining yourself.
We accept the love we think we deserve.
People dont change. Their priorities do.
Your bed looks so empty without me waking up with my head on your shoulder,
doesnt it?
Not everyone you lose is a loss.
Who knew forever was so short?
I loved him against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against
happiness, against all discouragement that could be.
Never be afraid to start over. Its a new chance to rebuild what you want.
You deserve the kind of love you would give someone else.
One day, someone is going to hug you so tight that all of your broken pieces will
stick back together.
Don't forget to fall in love with yourself first.
If I let you in youll just want out.
Hearts that break the night in two and arms that can't hold you that true.
Never complain. Never explain.
Find someone who will make you feel drunk when youre sober.

Maybe home is nothig but two arms holding you tight when youre at your worst.
And don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not, when I know you're only sorry you
got caught.
Words. How little they mean when you're a little too late.
Sa-mi sopteasca vrei un ceai? Eu sa-i spun te iubesc.
I play my part, you play your games.
Take a look around you; nothing's what it seems, we're living in the broken home of
hopes and dreams.
I like the way I feel when he looks at me. Like I wanna believe in myself.

El: Mi-ar fi placut sa te cunosc mai bine inainte sa pleci.

Ea: Daca m-ai fi cunoscut mai bine, nu plecam.
Were all in our private traps.
El i spune: Cu tine a mai merge o staie.
Dac are noroc ea i rspunde: Cu tine a merge pn la capt.
Don't get attached to moments. Good or bad, they all pass.
Now when you go giving your heart make
sure they deserve it.
If they haven't earned it.
Keep searching, it's worth it.
You're gonna meet some strangers.
Welcome to the zoo.
Bitter disappointments.
Except for one or two.
Some of them are angry.
Some of them are mean.
Most of them are twisted.
Few of them are clean.
Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me
When there's no love in town
This new century is bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme

Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear

'Cause you can't avoid the sentiment
That echoes in your ear
Saying love will stop the pain
Saying love will kill the fear
Do you believe
You must believe

Nothing haunts us like the things we dont say.

The devil doesnt come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as
everything youve ever wished for.
i nu tiu tu cum te uitai la mine, dar pn la tine inima nu mi mai sttuse niciodat
n loc. i s-a oprit aa, pentru o clip, ateptndu-i inima ca s bat n acelai timp.
i tcerea dintre noi a fost cel mai frumos sunet pe care l-am auzit vreodat.
Pentru c o s iubim prezentul atunci cnd o s devin trecut i l-am iubit pe
vremurile cnd era doar viitor.
Te ndrgosteti, construieti un ntreg univers n jurul persoanei iubite pentru ca
apoi ea s plece i s te lase n ruine.
Te iubesc cel mai mult atunci cnd tu eti tu, fr cea mai mic urm de mine n
tine. Atunci m nnebuneti de nu tiu ce-i cu mine, cnd nu am niciun control
asupra ta, te vreau cnd nu m vrei, cnd nu pot s te am.
Fericirea doare, asta mi spunea mereu cel care se mbrca n albastru, aa c am
fcut din cuvintele lui Crezul vieii mele. l rosteam seara, nainte de culcare, era
Tatl nostru din dimineile albastre i l repetam n gnd strngnd din dini ori de
cte ori simeam c nu mai am putere s merg mai departe.
Am minile reci, iar minile tale nu mai in minte de mult atingerea mea. Nici eu nu
mai in minte cum e s i fie cald.
P.S. Mi-a spus c-i place albastrul. Nu tiu dac se gndete la mine.
L-a iubi pentru c m ia de mn atunci cnd mergem pe strad i m ine strns
n brae atunci cnd altcineva se uit dup mine. L-a iubi pentru c m mngie pe
pr i m srut pe fruntepentru c i e drag copilul din mine i iubete femeia
care sunt.
Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.
You cant love somebody without it being like that. You keep them a stranger, a
stranger who's a friend.
Love is patient. Love is kind. Love means slowly losing your mind.

Am pierdut att de muli oameni nct ai crede c dup un timp te poi obinui cu
asta. Dar nu o faci niciodat. De fiecare dat e mai ru dect a fost ultima oar. i
tiu ce se spune, c timpul vindec orice, dar presupun c pn i asta poate fi
supus ndoielii. De funcionat, funcioneaz, att timp ct nu eti nevoit s i
aminteti. Vei fi bine, dar nu vei mai fi ntreg. Oamenii pe care i ntlnim, pe care i
iubim sunt ntotdeauna pri din noi, pri care suntem sau care nu vom fi vreodat.
Aa c atunci cnd mor ei, mori i tu. Mi-a dori acum ca asta s fie doar o
metafor. Dar nu e. Cei care au pierdut, tiu despre ce vorbesc, iar cei care nu
cunosc, le doresc s nu afle.
Iubirea e nesioas, de un egoism slbatic, vrea s-i sacrifici tot fr a-i cere nimic
n schimb, mulumindu-te doar cu ceea ce-i ofer. Eu am rvnit totul de la tine
pentru c i ddusem totul. Oricum, ceva mai bun dect mine nu puteam s-i dau.
De aici a pornit eroarea, de la acest schimb n aparen just. Dar ce experien
aveam, de unde s tiu c iubirea dintre dou fiine nu e egal, c balana atrn
cnd ntr-o parte, cnd ntr-alta dup imponderabile de care arar ne dm seama. n
cazul nostru balana atrna n favoarea ta, lanurile cu care m nctuai erau mai
puternice dect ale mele. De ce te-am judecat lundu-m pe mine drept unitate de
msur? Brbatul, datorit se vede eului su aa-zis "superior", se d dragostei cu
pruden, pstrnd rezerve pentru sine, de aceea i pstreaz, mcar parial,
echilibrul. Pe cnd noi, femeile, cnd iubim, ne dm integral mistuindu-ne n aa fel
nct nu ne rmne dect umbra celor ce am fost. Iat de ce prbuirea noastr n
lipsa coloanei vertebrale e aa de catastrofal.

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