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Read Application

from Flesh & Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy
by Albert Marrin

Sample Answers:
1. The first sentence previews the following paragraph by summarizing
what is about to happen; it tells the reader that the text will describe
one of the dreadful sights in further detail, namely the end of a love
2. The author's tone is tragic, dramatic, but also informative.
3. The theme of this section might be described as, "tragedy can bring
out heroic behavior or sacrifice in people," or "heroes show grace and
kindness even in terrible situations." Highlight: dreadful; end of a love
affair; young man; gently; helped; young woman.
4. The young man seems thoughtful, gentle, compassionate, and brave.
Underline: brave enough to help the girl he loved to a quicker death.
5. Shepherd describes the mans actions in terms of dropping the
woman and standing on the windowsill himself, but doesnt describe
the man actually jumping, or the terrible fall that must have ensued.
The fact that the man falls to a tragic and violent death is only implied
by the fact that he steps onto the windowsill.
6. The ellipsis implies that text has been left out of Shepherds quote.
The author might have cut out a detailed description of the mans
jump in order to keep the gruesome details out of the text and focus
on the mans dramatic bravery instead.

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