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Krista Constantine

Subject: Persuasive Writing

Standards: W.5.1
Objective: Students will work with partners to choose writing topics,
conduct research on their topic, and provide arguments for their topic.
Smart Board
1. Review yesterdays lesson
2. Brainstorm persuasive writing topics as a class
3. Model how to use the organizer for persuasive writing
4. Students will choose writing partners and choose a topic, do
research on their topic, and develop 3 arguments to support their
5. Students will share their work
Assessment: Students will be assessed based on their completion of
the assignment.
Differentiation: Students are grouped based on ability.
1. Is persuasive writing fact or opinion? Explain.
2. Summarize what we learned about persuasive writing during
yesterdays lesson.
3. Give examples of good topics for persuasive writing.
Today, we will be working with partners to choose persuasive writing
topics, conduct research on our topics, and develop 3 arguments to
support your stand on the topic
We are going to be learning how to begin the writing process and
organize our thoughts for a persuasive writing piece.
This is important to do before we begin writing to ensure that we are
developing well-organized writing pieces that include everything we
need for a strong persuasive essay.

At the end of the lesson, I want you and your partner to have created
an organizer like the one on the board for the topic you choose, and be
prepared to share it with the class.

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