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They have a new 3D printer.

1. Pedptomn as prost Present Perfect Simple

Tento as vyjaduje dj minul, kter se odehrval v neurit, nespecifikovan minulosti,
neoddlen od ptomnosti ostrou hranic, kter vak souvis s ptomnost, a to bu svmi
nsledky, nebo trvnm. Zpravidla vyjaduje nsledky minulho dje a do etiny jej pekldme
minulm asem dokonavho slovesa (asto meme doplnit ji, u). Jestlie vak perfektum
vyjaduje dj, kter zaal v minulosti a jet trv v ptomnosti, odpovd mu v eskm pekladu
vtinou as ptomn.
Nejastjmi asovmi urenmi, kter odkazuj na neuritou minulost a jsou spojovna s
pedptomnm asem, jsou nap: already, yet, not+yet, just, never, ever, always, often, once,
before, recently, lately, (three, several) times, so far, a t spojenmi s pouitm for(two
years), since.
Forma : tvary slovesa have have/ has + minul pest (past participle)
vznamovho slovesa

The rain has already ruined the tomato crops.

We still havent discovered life on other planets.
I have known him since we met at university.

forma trpnho rodu je tvoena tvary slovesa have have/has + been + minulm
pestm (past participle) vznamovho slovesa

Many uses of this method have been described in the literature.

The polarographic method has been known for many years.
These views have aroused considerable interest.

4. Pedptomn as prbhov - Present Perfect Continuous

Tento as vyjaduje dj, kter zaal v minulosti a pokrauje v dob, kdy se o nm zmiujeme, i
chceme-li vyjdit dlku tohoto dje. Tak pokud dj probhal po njakou dobu v
nespecifikovan, nejastji blzk dob minul a m v ptomnosti urit dsledky. Do etiny jej
pekldme ptomnm asem.
Forma: tvary slovesa have have/has + been + - ing tvar vznamovho slovesa

I have been working in this institute since 2000.

He has been waiting for the results for an hour.
He cant drive. He has been drinking.
The barometer has been rising since yesterday.

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