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Personal Style Inventory Reflection


What I found the most interesting out of the MBTI test is my

results being Extroverts. Originally, growing up I was always
introverted, and had or wanted truthfully little contact with people
outside anyone but my family circle. I find it fascinating how many
ADHD has been changing over the year and how my Ashburgers has
resided as well. If I had taken this test when I was 13 years old I predict
it would be the exact opposite; because at that time I was significantly
more introverted then extroverted. As I began to live and control my
ADHD and Ashburgers; I gained the ability to improve my learning
ability through learning how to work with groups better and help others
with there own work at times. In doing so I not only helped them but
also helped strengthened my knowledge of whatever subject I was
teaching at the time.
The change from introvert to extrovert did not just improve my
learning abilities. I also gained more life experience and learned from
those experiences as well; applying them to everyday situations and
conversation. Had I not become more extroverted I would be so much
more inexperience and would not have accomplish all that I have in the
past few years,
I had the ability to take an online version of the MBTI test before
and fond my results to be slightly different. The difference between the
online version and in class version results where as followed: online:
ESTJ vs. in-class: ENTJ. I think the N and S are always going to be 50/50
for me. This might be in part of my natural leadership but its from
my charisma and not necessarily natural skill.

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