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hey call me Kimi. Im sixteen, too young to have a love, they say. But I cant help it.

Something about him seems dark and forbidden. Blake. That name, that face. I have to have him.
Father insists that I find someone else. He doesnt think a proper English lady should chase a
man, especially a poor one with an unknown and mysterious past. It would give me a bad
reputation, he says. Momma always wanted me to follow my heart, but once she died, everything
changed. Father wants me to be perfect, and he never spends any time with me. Im a
disappointment to him. Sometimes I think he wishes it would have been me in that river instead
of his precious Akira. He doesnt understand my pain. Something in me died the day she did. I
was changed forever, hardened to the world. Nothing would ever hurt me again.

he day I met Blake was a strange one indeed. I was walking through the woods on

the way back from the school. Usually Fathers carriage picks me up, but on that afternoon, I hid
so I could walk home alone for once. I was missing her a lot that day. It had been four years
since her death, and I still blamed myself for everything that happened. I swore I could feel eyes
on me, but every time I turned, there was only the whistling wind jarring the autumn-colored
leaves off the trees and the occasional rustle of the squirrels burying their nuts for the long winter
I heard a crash behind me, and I took off, faster than light. I didnt know what it was, and
I wasnt about to stop and turn around to find out. Before I knew it, there was the river. The same
one that killed Momma. I stopped. I knew what lay ahead of me, not what was behind me, but I
knew at once that I was trapped. Then I smelled it; that tantalizing aroma of fresh maple syrup
and sweat, berries and old leaves. It disoriented me for a moment. I felt a hand clamp over my
mouth. Not a chance would I go without a fight. I felt a knee in my back trying to push me to the
ground, but I clamped down hard on the hand over my mouth, tasting the warm metallic-y
copper of blood. There was a yelp of shock and pain, and the hand and knee were withdrawn. I
spun around, fists flying, feet kicking, snarling like a rabid dog in attack mode.
Stop! he shouted, Please miss, I was only wondering if you could spare a dime or two.
My sister and I havent eaten in weeks, and shes so young. Shes getting weaker by the minute.

Please have pity! He was holding his hand close to his body with a mixture of awe and fear
plastered on his face. He looked to be about my age, and the little girl standing beside him was
probably about four or five. She had a drawn, pale face, and she was shaking and bone-thin. I
lowered my arms slowly and considered my options. I had to help them, but what was I to do?
Father would never let them in our house, but the little girl would die soon without proper care.
I sighed. Fine, come along. But dont you ever clamp your hand over a womans mouth
that is so obviously alone like that again! With that, I lifted my skirts daintily and led the way to
the only place I knew I could cross the river. When we got there, the banks were bursting at their
seams. The water was flowing rapidly and angrily along its path, churning and bubbling with
hate. The same as when Momma died. I was smashed into a vivid flashback, screaming as our
boat careened from side to side. I was jolted from the boat when we hit the rock, body tumbling
in the walls of white foam. Momma was screaming something, trying desperately to pull me
from the whirlpool of water and rocks. When we hit the next bolder, the boat flew so high that
Momma was able to rip me from the frigid waters grasp. As soon as I was safely back in our
rickety dinghy, I realized that Momma was not. It had released me only on the condition that it
would take her, and she almost willingly accepted it. She was crying out to me, over and over
again. I couldnt hear her, but I could read her ice blue lips: I love you Kimi. Momma! No!
Momma! Come back, please! I love you! I screeched. It was too late; the water had already
sucked up its prisoner, never to be seen again.

felt my arm being shaken, and I was jerked back to reality. Tears were coursing down

my face, hot and fast. I was screaming and thrashing about on the solid forest floor next to the
wild river bank. The boy was standing over me with his huge green eyes full of concern. I lay
there, trembling. There was no way in the world that I was crossing that river.
Im sorry, I whispered when I finally caught my breath, I cant do it. I cant cross that
river. The boy remained silent, watching me curiously. It was only then that I realized how
handsome he was. His face must have been carved by angels. His eyes were deep set, his chin
chiseled with just a hint of scruff, his nose regal and pointed, his cheek bones high and mighty.

His muscles rippled every time he moved. His short brown hair flopped to one side, and his
smell made me feel warm and comfortable. He smiled at me, and my heart skipped a beat.
I can get us across safely, he promised. I was so awestruck that when he offered his
hand, I accepted it and stood up slowly. He hoisted his sister onto his broad shoulders and
splashed across the shallowest part of the river. The water was churning around him, threatening
to pull him down, but he pushed through all the way to the opposite bank.
Are you coming? He called back. I nodded. Something about him made me want to be
daring. I took a step towards the river, then another, and slowly inched my way to the edge. I put
one foot in cautiously, then the other, and carefully began to creep across. Before I could stop it,
my foot slipped on a rock and down I went, screaming for help. He jumped back in right away
and threw himself toward me with arms outstretched, but not before I was swept farther
downstream. He pushed off from the bottom and kicked hard after me, fingers straining towards
me. He lunged once again and caught the hem of my dress. Part of it ripped off, but not before he
had secured my waist in his strong arms. He pulled me out onto the opposite bank, coughing and
spluttering. We lay there panting hard, trying to regain our breath.
He pulled himself up on his elbows and stared at me, and I was at a loss for words. His
hand brushed my temple as he tried to push back my clinging hair from my eyes. Just that touch
made my heart race so fast. Suddenly, I couldnt breathe for other reasons. He noticed what he
had done and quickly stood up. This time, he did not offer his hand, but turned around and
walked towards his sister.
Lets go. Night is falling. Itll be too cold for her soon. Are you okay to go on? Or do
you need a moment to? He hesitated, then walked back to me before continuing, Can you
not swim? Why didnt you fight back against the current? What made you thrash about on the
bank so fearfully?
I shook my head, That is none of your concern. Thank you for saving me, it was much
appreciated. Now, are you running from something? Where is your family? I stopped and bit my
tongue hard. The look on his face was the picture of guilt, fear, and something else I couldnt
name. I started on the path without another word, wondering if Father was even worried about
my lengthy absence.

When we finally reached the edge of my property the boy stopped. I noticed that his
sister was nowhere to be found. A branch cracked and he jumped and lunged towards me. He
slapped his hand over my mouth and pulled me down hard underneath the cover of the bushes off
the side of the path. I tried to fight him, but this time he was too strong for me. I watched as three
hulking men walked by, carrying the boys sister!
The biggest one spoke, Whered he get off to now? We gave him the simplest of tasks:
to get the girl and bring her back alive. And he cant even manage that. I told you we shouldnt
have trusted a carpenters son. I blame you, Jonathan!
Ey, shut up, will ya! His mamma was like a sister to me, its the least we could do, given
the circumstances. the second man, obviously Jonathan, replied.
Shhh! the third man grumbled, Were getting close to the girls property! Do you want
to wake the whole bloody estate? Then her fathers huntsmen would be after us with their dogs,
and wed be back in prison for sure! The men were all silent as they turned around and walked
back the way they had come, vanishing into the dark forest.
I jumped up angrily. So this is what you wanted when you clamped your hand over my
mouth! You were trying to kidnap me! For money from my father as a reward, no doubt. Well the
jokes on you, then. My father cares less for me than those men do for you, and hed be happier
if you wouldve taken me! I slapped him clean across the face, tears stinging the corners of my
eyes. He reached out and caught my hand.
Yes, alright? Yes, my job was to capture you, whatever means necessary. You took me
by surprise when you bit me, though. They told me you were weak, easy prey. I just looked at it
as a job opportunity. I thought youd be easy money. That theyd praise me for a job well done
for once. That theyd care about me, and not leave me behind like my parents did. But I was
wrong, oh so wrong. I was planning on taking you to them, but then when you came out of that
river You were lying on that bank. The most beautiful creature I had ever seen in the world.
Then all I wanted to do was kiss you, and I knew you wanted the same. The way you were
looking at me, that sweet smile on your face. I could feel your heart racing when I touched you.
But then I remembered my job. I didnt want to take you to them, though. I wanted you for

myself. I still do he trailed off, staring at me shyly. I wanted to forgive him, but I couldnt let
him get off that easily, could I?
Whats your name? I asked softly.
Blake, he whispered back, And yours?
They didnt even tell you my name, but they wanted you to kidnap me? I asked
He shrugged, No, they told me it would only put me in danger.
Oh. Well, Im Kimi.
He smiled brightly at my words. What a beautiful name. Perfect for you. Can you still
help me? I cant go back to them now, so I really do need a place to stay.
I hesitated. I wanted him to stay so badly, but Father would probably already be furious
with me, and that would just add kindling to the fire. Fine. But youll have to hide somewhere
where no one would think to look. If anyone finds you, youll be done for. I led the way as
quietly as possible into my property, winding this way and that to the edge of the window
looking into my room. I gestured to him to look in, for I was too short to see if anyone was in
there. He peeked in slowly, and shook his head. No one was there. I pushed gently on the weak
spot on my window, the secret place that no one knew about except Momma and me. We had
snuck out a lot from that spot, Momma always giggling and whispering, Shh, dont tell Papa.
That was back when I still had fun, back when I didnt have boring school to try to civilize me
and teach me to be a proper English lady.
The window swung open without a sound, and I pulled myself in self-consciously. It was
then that I remembered I was wearing a red skirt that was ripped and muddy from my fall in the
river. As soon as I was in, I gestured for him to follow. He climbed in with ease, muscles
straining against his tight shirt. I told him I would find him some fresh clothes and food in the
morning, along with a proper room to stay in. Then I changed my clothes hastily behind my
screen and ran quickly to my bed. He was already lying under the covers, asleep. I crawled in
beside him, leaving as much room as possible between us, and promptly fell into a deep and

dreamless slumber. When I awoke the next day, he was gone, leaving behind only a lingering
scent and the window slightly ajar.

thought I was never going to see him again, but Ive been seeing him every night since

then. He always creeps to my window, knocks thrice, and waits for me with open arms. Father
has known for quite some time now, but he thinks weve stopped seeing each other. He caught us
just inside the garden one night. We were right next to the apple tree. He was holding my hands
in his and we were laughing about something. Father came into view and looked quite surprised,
then angry.
Kimi. Who is this? He asked coolly. I almost wished he would yell at me again instead
of having this quiet fury.
H-h-hello, Father. I stuttered, Th-this is Blake. Blake smiled uneasily and stuck out
his hand. Father regarded him with disdain, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes for a moment.
What is he doing on MY PROPERTY?! he thundered. Blake and I both shrank back,
and then Blake took off, running towards the edge of my property.
Father, I love him. I want to marry him. And live happily ever after. I whispered the last
part, knowing I sounded ridiculous.
What do you know about love, girl? Nothing, thats what. Youre forbidden to ever see
him again. Leave my sight at once! I didnt hear the end of his words. I ran to my room and
threw myself on my bed, sobbing. Then I saw him. He was sitting on the edge of my windowsill,
looking upset and fearful.
What are you doing here?! I scream, Get out! Didnt you hear my father? Get out!
Leave me alone.
He slid off the window slowly, and glided to my side. Taking my hands, he whispered, I
heard what you said. I love you too. I know youre just angry that your father told you to go
away from him. You love me as much as I love you. He kissed me gently, my first kiss, then
slipped out the window and into the night like a cat.

hat was over a month ago, and his visits havent stopped. In fact, he visits more now.

We talk of running away frequently, although he knows I never would. Theres something tying
me to this old house, and as much as I would hate to admit it, its the hope that Ill one day get
Father back. Maybe hell love me again one day, and I wont just be a burden, a constant
reminder of his Akira. Tonight, were meeting in the garden again, the first time since we were
caught. Father is going to a party tonight in town, and he wont be back for several hours. Tap
tap tap. Ah, here is my love now. I slip out my window into his waiting arms. He kisses my
forehead, my nose, my lips. I smile at his warm, sweet kisses, wishing as usual that we could
stay like this forever. He sets me down.
Is tonight the night? When youll finally let me take you away? He smiles at his own
You know very well why we cant. Father would suspect something and send a search
party, I lie, Or maybe those men will find you again and take you away for good. At least
youd be reunited with your dear sister. I give the last part a sarcastic tone. He told me long ago
that the girl that was with him the first night we met was a girl the men had rescued, not his
actual sister. As far as he knows, he has no siblings.
Kimi! he laughs, picking me up and twirling me like were simply dancing at a ball, I
love you! Come be with me! Run away and stay, safe and sound with me forever. He sets me
down and gazes into my eyes. I cant resist him when he becomes playful like this, and he knows

uddenly, Blake is pulled away from me, hard. He disappears with a thud. Blake! I

screech, running forward. My arms are caught behind my back, and Fathers face looms into
Did you really think I was stupid, girl? I knew I couldnt trust such an impudent,
rebellious girl such as yourself. What did I tell you about seeing this boy? I told you it was

forbidden! You deliberately defied me! I suppose I must lock you up now, to keep you from
running away with him.
You dont understand! It was only a joke--
He cuts me off angrily, SILENCE! And now a liar too! Youre a disgrace to this family. I
should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance. But instead, it was your mother I lost. The
only important thing to me, and you selfishly took her away too.
My tears are hot and sticky, washing away any chance of hope I had that Father truly
loved me. I didnt mean to take her from you. I loved her too. I know it was my fault. It should
have been me, youre right. I would do anything to get her back. I just wish-- My tears are
choking me up and I cant breathe, but I have to finish, I wish you would love me like you
loved her. I wish for once you could truly see who I am! Instead of pushing me back and sending
me away constantly, try seeing things from my perspective! Spend time with me. Love me,
please! I am sobbing so hard that I can no longer stand. I slump to the ground, panting hard. I
look up, only to see that Father is gone. I am bitter and angry now, and all I want to do is scream.
Then I hear a sigh, and Father plops down next to me, crying too.
I have always loved you. You just remind me so much of her. You have her fire, her
spirit, her determination to do what they say you cant, he pauses, Our love was forbidden too,
you know. She was just a lowly merchants daughter, and I was the well-to-do knights son. I had
only seen her once, but I knew she had to be mine. I spent an hour with her, then spent three
months chasing her, begging her to marry me. Then when you were born, everything was perfect.
But she got restless. She had always traveled around with her father, and she couldnt stand
living in one spot, being tied down because you werent yet old enough to travel. She started
going on adventures, as she called them. Anything she could do to keep from being in the
house, she did. Gathering flowers from the garden, going for walks in the forest, swimming and
boating in the river, even conquering her fear of riding horses. She loved us both very much, but
she couldnt give up her freedom. Then when you were twelve and she wanted to take you
boating that day, the rain had flooded the river and made it wild. I begged her not to go, but you
were both too excited. That was the last day I saw her. I tried to shut you out so you wouldnt
bring back her memories, so you wouldnt be an adventurer like she was. But I should have

known better. Then when Blake came along and wanted to take you away, I panicked. I didnt
want to lose both of you. But I never stopped loving you, and Im so sorry if thats what you
I hug him without warning, long and hard, and he hugs back. Thank you Father, I
needed to hear that. I know youre frightened, but you have to let me go. Blake loves me, too.
And I love him. But Ill always come back. Always.
I trust you, and I believe you. How about we go into town tomorrow, just the two of us,
and start acting like a real father and daughter should?
Id like that very much. I smile.

ere in town now, and I keep hearing whispers. Thats the girl. See her?

She disgraced her family. She ran off with the carpenters boy. Its hard not to spin around
and tell the whisperers what really happened. They dont understand anything. Father told me
last night that even though he trusts my judgment, he still doesnt want me to see Blake anymore
because he doesnt want my reputation to be ruined. I told him that I didnt care, that Blake was a
good man. He said that he wasnt going to stop me, but he maintains that I should find someone
Then I hear another whisper: Yes, Blake was his name. He was really quite a gentleman.
He swept me off my feet. Weve been seeing each other for weeks now. I think its love. Thats a
comment I cant ignore. My Blake? No, it couldnt be. He loves me much more than that No
matter, Ill just ask him tonight when I see him again.

heard someone today say that they were in love with a real gentleman a man

named Blake I say to Blake. Were back home now. Its nighttime, and Im telling him about
the whisperers.
Well, isnt that nice? Glad to know there are others in love besides us. He smiles
uncertainly, not sure why Im telling this to him.

Oh, give it up! This is why you never come see me in the day! Because youre with her.
She said you two were in love. That you had been seeing each other for weeks now.
You cant honestly believe that, after all weve been through together!
Oh, cant I? Then youll have no problem telling me what you do all day, and why you
never take me to your home instead of mine at night.
He is silent. Thats what I thought. I never want to see you again, get out! I scream. He
jumps out the window and races off my property. I shove my window shut and collapse on my
bed, sobbing. I cant believe this. After all this time, it was all just a lie! I am devastated. I had so
much planned for our future. Weve been seeing each other for almost a year and a half now!
How dare he do this to me?! I cry myself to sleep.

ap tap tap. How dare he come?! I turn over sharply. Tap tap tap. More insistent this

Go away! I shout. I feel a cool breeze and I know that he has come into my room. I
dont want to see you. Go. You hurt me, do you get that? Havent you pained me enough? A sob
escapes. Then another. I hear him walk around my bed. He sits down at the base. And then- how
dare he!- he lays down facing me. I try to speak, but he kisses me abruptly, full on the mouth. I
dont pull away, I just lay there kissing him and crying. He grabs my hand and pulls me from my
bed. He tugs my cloak around my shoulders and pushes me gently to the window.
I want to show you what Ive been working on during the day. And I want to show you
my home. Im not going to hurt you. I love you. Blake murmurs softly.
I follow him out of the window, and the light mist feels clean and refreshing on my skin.
He leads me to the hill just before the river.
Close your eyes. Trust me, Im not going to hurt you. I do as he says, and he leads me
towards that river. Why do I trust him after he hurt me so badly? I dont know the answer to that,
but I do know that wherever he takes me, Ill gladly follow. I hear the sound of the river getting

ever closer with each step. I can tell that it must be overflowing again, just like the day we met,
and the day Momma died.
Open your eyes, my love. He sounds like he must be smiling. I open my eyes to the
most magical sight. Right in front of me is a sturdy-looking bridge laced with every type of
flower Ive ever seen. I gasp. Its gorgeous, absolutely breath-taking. And sitting on the middle of
the bridge is Father. I cant help it, I start to cry tears of happiness, of joy. I turn and look at
Blake, and smiling, he takes my hands and walks me towards the bridge. As soon as he gets to
the edge, he kneels in front of me, staring into my eyes.
Kimi. I have been working on this bridge every day, and seeing you every night. Its
time for you to face your fears, my darling. Cross the bridge with me, Somehow, I no longer
think hes talking about the bridge Im standing on, And become my wife. I have no home, I
have no family, but all I truly need is you. We can live wherever you please, go wherever you
want to go. We can start our own family. Your father is here so that you know he approves. All
you have to do is say I do.
I am crying so hard, but the rain washes all my tears away. I do, I say, laughing, I do, I
do, I do with all my heart! He grins and scopes me up, laughing and kissing me, the way its
always been.

The End
Morale: If you dont let fear rule your life, love will conquer all.

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