Summary 4

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Adrian Birds

Mrs. Thomas
UWRT 1103-63

Manohar, Uttara. "Media Censorship: Why Is Censorship Good." Buzzle., 2 Mar.
2012. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.
Media Censorship: Why is Censorship Good contradicts those who argue that censorship
is negative for society. The article was written by Uttara Manohar, a talented writer of various
articles of a number of different topics. In this article she discusses how media censorship is used
in our everyday lives, here in the United States and why it is beneficial. Censorship is constantly
being exercised daily in our books, television, music and internet or magazines.
Music is banned because of its tasteless or inappropriate lyrics. Artists often have to
record multiple versions of a song, one version without any unsuitable language and the other
version, explicit. Radio stations silence works with negative connotations to protect listeners
from hearing the obscene words.
The next topic conversed about by Manohar is the use of censorship in Books. Authors at
times use their writing to pen down details of an unstable topic, aggravating readers who find it
going against their belief system or culture. British Indian writer Salman Rushdie is used to
show an example of this. His fourth novel The Satanic Verses aroused much debate and
arguments throughout the Muslim Community for making blasphemous references. As a result

his books were banned in India and he was forced out of his country by death threats. It is not an
uncommon practice for Books that cross the line to be banned from circulation.
Parents use the Parental Guidance option on televisions and computers to block graphic
material or immoral content from children. Through FCC guidelines television channels censor
material through bleeping inappropriate words and blurring out unsuitable images. On the other
hand Manohar describes the internet as a behemoth in our present media age, a majority its
contents are able to be freely viewed whenever. Censorship is essential in areas like child
pornography which these sites are banned or shut down through government agencies or
censorship boards.
Analysis: The article discusses the positive sides of censorship and why it is beneficial in
everyday society. It helps display one side of the argument within the question I am researching
and could help others researching topics in effects of media on modern society.

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