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Parent Teacher Conference

4 year old
Childs Initials: GA
Teacher: Patty Sankovich
Overall Progress: GA is where I would expect her to be without any prior prek classroom experience. She is attentive and gives herself 100% while trying
to learn. Im confident that GA will end her pre-k year where we would like
for her to be and she will go off to kindergarten with confidence and skills
comparable to her classmates.
Intellectual: GA knows all her colors and a few of the shapes. She knows the
days of the week and nearly all the months of the year. She can count to 59
and struggles with number recognition to 10. She knows very few of her
upper and lower case letters and equally few of their sounds. She will
benefit greatly from our letter of the week activities and with that her letter
recognition should increase accordingly.
Social Emotional: GAs interacts with other children at a 99.9% success rate.
Occasionally, I will observe her hesitating to join others, but with
encouragement she joins quickly and without reluctance.
Work Habits: GA is attentive 100% of the time. She follows directions and
proceeds on task immediately. She remains focused until the work is done to
her satisfaction. GA understands my table top expectations and never fails
to complete the assignment as explained.

Language: GAs language skills are age appropriate. She is beginning to

recognize letters and the sounds they make. Additionally, she has been
working on tracing her name. It has progressed from random marks and
letters to now, becoming her name.
Gross Motor: GAs gross motor skills are age appropriate. She rides a
scooter and tricycle without falling 99.9% of the time and is able to skip.
Fine Motor: GAs fine motor skills are also age appropriate. She holds a
pencil in the proper manner for a four year old. Additionally, she colors with

accuracy and confidence. She holds scissors correctly and cuts with

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