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DiNeisha Jones

UWRT 1102
18 March 2015
Midterm Reflection
I have learned that as a writer it is more to writing than just focusing on the topic. I know
that brainstorming and picking the right topic is important, but I never really thought about how
practicing your writing makes for less errors and improvements in writing skills. The freewriting exercises we do in class are long and boring. However, I find that when I can just write
without stopping and let my thoughts flow I have a better understanding of what I am thinking.
This method also helps me with what I am going to write next. In free writing I can make
mistakes in my writing and grammar, but its not emphasized because that is not the purpose of
the free-writing exercises. These exercises are supposed to prevent blockages in processing my
thoughts. Being that I have a psychology class and a class about the history of sexuality, which
both require that I write essays and papers, being able to take the free writing exercises and use
them in the context of those two classes has been very helpful. Also, using the double journal
entries have been helpful in helping me understand the material that I am reading in each class.
Being able to analyze and question the text has helped me learn a lot more about what I am
As a writer I know that I am very honest and my awareness of literary structure is strong.
My ability to see the structure in a piece of writing is great. Not everyone can structure his or her
writing as it is supposed to be. I like the idea of being able to give a fitting shape to my own

artwork or words. I find that my weaknesses in grammar are following the rules of punctuation.
Some of my other weaknesses are procrastination, unsuccessful use of secondary sources as
evidence, and sometimes a weak vocabulary. I feel that being able to point out my weaknesses in
writing can be used as a strength. I can efficiently use my weaknesses as a way to strengthen my
writing by practicing and having others read my writing.
The blogs and free writing exercises that we do are the most helpful to me because they
provide me with time to process my thoughts and understand what I am writing. The only thing
throughout this semester that has confused me is the Emaze Flow Chart Presentation. This is
simply because there isnt a guide as to what constitutes as right or wrong. Other than that, you
have been a great teacher and a great support to me as a student.

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