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DiNeisha Jones

UWRT 1102
Reflection on Gathering Sources
Procrastination is one of the biggest things that got me. I have a problem with
waiting until the last minute to get things done, and what happened was my
living/working works cited page ended up being incorrect. So, instead of being able to go
ahead and start my next assignment I had to go back and redo the assignments that I
hadnt done well on. I know that procrastination is something I need to work on and I
have been trying to. It just seems like most times I do my best work when Im under a lot
of pressure. I learned that sometimes waiting until the last minute gives room for more
error, and thats what happened in my living/working works cited page. Also, the link for
my Emaze presentation didnt post like it should have and I had to go back and redo the
link. More than just having to do the link over I couldnt figure out how to use the
presentation software. Therefore, I had to find another presentation software that was
easier to use. Another thing for me was finding great sources and up to date sources. As I
said in my Prezi I believe the issue of police brutality is being swept under the rug and
looking at the data, the information, and how current information I found that I was
correct in my beliefs. Since most of the information I found was from the mid-2000s I
was able to see and explain how brutality has evolved. This was a lot of work but
definitely worth all the effort.

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