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DiNeisha Jones

UWRT 1102
24 April 2015
I learned that police brutality is not a new phenomenon. Police brutality has been going on for
decades, and as each year passes the statistics seem to rise. I learned that although minorities
seem to be the target for police brutality, it happens in every race. I also learned about cases of
police brutality that I had never heard mentioned in the news. I realized just how bias the media
really is as I read an article that discussed the lack of media coverage on stories of police
brutality. I hate research papers and I find that I always start on them at the last minute, so the
most difficult part was actually starting my research paper. I enjoyed learning about the police
culture and police brutality and I found it interesting how loyal they are to one another whether
one is wring or right. Next time I wouldnt wait to start my research paper, because as I was
typing I was thrilled by everything I had learned in such a short time.

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