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Sample Interview Questions.

1. When have you been the most satisfied in your life?

a. Reveals personality and self-ambition/ethical & moral values.
2. What is a time you handled conflict, and how?
a. Reveals liars!!!!!! Body language is huge!
3. How do you feel you could be a benefit to this company?
a. Reveals self-efficient people v. stagnant people.
4. When I contact your last supervisor and ask which area of your work needs
the most improvement, what will I learn?
a. Reveals liars!! Watch body language Also employers do check behind
on this one. Remember what youre saying as well, you dont want
conflicting answers.
5. Describe a time in which a supervisor was playing favorites and how did
you handle this?
a. Trick questions!!!! Take responsibility for your own actions!
6. What frustrates you?
a. Trick questions!! Tell the truth but in an appropriate manner!
7. Who are our competitors?
a. Reveals who prepared and involved themselves with company
8. What are you looking to accomplish within the first 60 days of employment?
a. This question will depend on your profession so get specific!
9. Why do you want to work for this company?
a. Well, why do you? Are you just relocating? Do you like what the
company has to offer?
10.What are your weaknesses?
a. Be honest, be butter it up! Learn to make a strength a weakness. But
dont lie! It will be obvious.

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