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K. Buenas Noches.

Bienvenido al Chifa KuoWha

Good evening. Welcome to Chifa KuoWha
K. Puedo tomar su orden?
Can I take your order?
J. Me gustara arroz chaufa con pollo
Id like a plate of fried rice with chicken
K. Le gustara sopa con eso?
Would you like soup with that?
J. No gracias. Me gustara wantn frito con salsa de tamarindo
No thanks. Id like fried wantan with tamarind sauce
K. Por supuesto, Deseara algo de tomar con su orden?
Of course, Would you like any drink with your order?
J. Si, por favor. Me gustara una taza de caf
Yes, please. Id like a cup of coffee
K. Con leche?
With any milk?
J. No gracias.
No, thanks
K Es todo entonces?
Is that all then?
J. Si, es todo.
Yes, thats all
K. Enseguida le traigo su orden.
II bring your order right away
K. Disfrute su comida
Enjoy your meal!
K. Disculpe, desea algn postre?
Excuse me. Do you want some dessert?
J. Si, por favor, tiene pastel de chocolate?
Yes, please. Do you have chocolate cake?
K. Lo siento, no tenemos ningn pastel de chocolate
Im sorry, sir, we dont have any chocolate cake
J. Entonces, me gustara un vaso de gelatina
Then, Id like a glass of gelatin
K. Seguro, enseguida se lo traigo

Sure, I bring it right away

Thank you!
J. Mesera! Por favor me trae la cuenta.
Waitress! Please. Bring me the bill
K. Esta bien sr.
Okay! Sir.
J. Oh! 17 soles y un caramelo.
Oh! Seventeen soles and a candy
K Es correcto!.
Is right!
J Aqu esta 20 soles.
Heres twenty soles.
K. Un momento, ahora le traigo su cambio
One moment! Now I bring your change
J. No se preocupe guarde el cambio.
Dont worry, keep the change
K Gracias.
Thank you

This is my friend, her first name is Kathia, her last name is Patricio and shes 19 years old.
She can dance, but she cant sing well, she cant play a musical instrument and she cant draw well.
She can play soccer an she can drive a car.
She can speak English and Spanish, but she cant speak French, German or Quechua. Also, she
cant swin, she cant ride a bike and she cant cook, but she can use a computer.
This is my friend, his first name is Cesar, his last name is Mautino and hes 18 years old.
He can dance, but he cant sing well, he can play a musical instrument, he can play soccer and he
can drive a car, but he cant draw well.
He can speak English and Spanish, but he cant speak French, German or Quechua. Also he can
swin, he can ride a bike, he can cook and he can use a computer.

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