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Roving Clovers Community Meeting Agenda

{March 18th, 2015)

Call To Order: Tyler
Time Called:
Flag Salute & 4H Pledge:
Roll: Makenna (To be called at beginning of the meeting)
Approval Of Minutes: Nika
Treasurer's Report: Lily
Program: Stress Management & Officer Election Introduction
Other Reports:
VP of Civics
Healthy Living
VP of Community Service
Old Business:
I. Ag Day- Anyone attend?
II. County Presentation Day- How'd you do?
New Business:
I. Cal Focus Registration Deadline- A fun way to dive into politics and leadership, this
conference is held at the State Capitol and is guaranteed not stuffy and/or boring!
II. Mayfair Entry Deadline- Ah, Mayfair. The fair of May. Want to participate? Hurry, the
deadline is looming! Don't miss out on this fantastic (and local) event to show off!
III. Fashion Revue Deadline- One outfit to rule them all.....could it be yours? (and anyone who
got that reference is an awesome nerd) This is a great chance to show off and practice your
domestic skills, and its a blast as well! The deadline for entries is TBA, get ready!
IV. Senior Recognition Night- For many a year, our senior members have donated their time and
energy to 4H, while balancing it with school and internet dependency, so for all of those now
finishing high school, about to age out...we have a party. A recognition night, if you will. A
senior recognition the county office, in Fairfield. Date is TBA
V. End of Year Party Options- As all things must, our time here on this mortal world together
draws to a whats a mortal soul to do? Party like crazy folk, of course. So for our
party, we have so democratically arrived upon 3 options.
1. A party at/in a local park
2. Pool party (Need a house to hold at, any volunteers?)
3. Ice skating, which would cost us a pretty penny.
4. EXTRA: Anyone support a visit to under the causeway to see the bats for the May mtg?

Meeting Adjournment:

Next Meeting: Apr. 15th

'Let them have cake!' ~Marie Antoinette (Fictionally)
~Jean-Jacques Rosseau (Actually, in his book Confessions)

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