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Relation of Some and All in Class Inclusion

Purpose: To study difficulties children have with all and some relations.
Materials: 3 red squares, 3 blue circles, 2 blue squares (all the same size)
Procedure: Put all the materials in front of the child. Materials should be mixed. Ask the
child to identify the shapes and colors to ascertain the childs knowledge of colors and
shapes. Then ask the child if all the circles are blue. Next, ask if all the blue ones are
circles. Then, ask why.
Stage 1: The child knows only what they see. He/she cannot separate circles. Some
means all.
Stage 2: Can separate squares from circles and blues from red, but does not have the
logic to answer questions of all and some.
Stage 3: Success. The child can answer all questions immediately and successfully.
Stage 1 = Preoperational
Stage 2 = Transition between Preoperational and Concrete Operations
Stage 3 = Concrete Operations

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