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Lisa Tran
UWRT 1102
Professor Morgan
Inquiry Proposal
Do you ever want to control your dream? When we fall asleep we experience
series of thoughts, images, or emotions called dreams. While dreaming, one does not
have control or any say to what happens during the dream, because dreams happen
involuntary. Dreams have always been fascinating to humans because we never found the
cause to why we dream. We also have no clue about why we dream of what we dream, it
just happens. Sometimes we have sweet dreams and sometimes we have nightmares,
there is no clue on what we will dream.
I would like to know more about dreams in general, such as why and how do we
dream. My biggest question is How can we control our dreams? I would like to know if
there are different methods to control dreams or certain dreams and if those methods are
safe and will not damage the human brain. I would also like to know if there is an ideal
time, during our sleep, to control our dreams.
This inquiry is worth doing because it will give us insight on how we can take
charge of our dreams. It will also help those who have nightmares to have more sweet
and decent dreams. Imagine controlling your dream, wouldnt that make you wake up a
happy person?
For this subject, most of my information will come from previous research on this
topic, such as surveys and experiments. Therefore most of my information will be coming
from the web. I would also like to find some books about dreams to gain more knowledge
about them. This inquiry is a manageable scale because there have been previous research
and experiments on this topic.
If this inquiry lead to dead ends, I would at least like to stay in the same topic,
dreams. The question I would ask is can dreams be used as therapy? Since dreams serves

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the purpose to help us with our memories, decision making skills, and cognitive
functions, dreams may be able to erase our bad memories and replace them with good
ones. Sticking to the topic will make it easier for me since I would have some
information pertaining to my backup question.

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