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C U P P O N G !

For 2 or 4 players
Ages 15+

The object of the game is to be the first team to get rid of all their cups.

Gameboard with 2 stationary cups

200 question cards, 20 per category
18 removable cups
1 ping pong ball

To start, place a cup into each hole on both sides of the board. Insert the
category cards into the corresponding envelopes and place into the designated


The game begins with 2 or 4 players, split into equal teams. The two teams
will stand on opposite sides of the board. Team 1 will toss the ball into the
cups closest to Team 2 and vice versa. When shooting the ball, there is to be
no bouncing or rolling. Your arm cannot extend past the cups set up on your
side of the board. The front cup in the pyramid is not to be removed during
the game. This cup will serve as a bonus cup and if a team makes it into this
cup, and answers correctly, they will automatically win the game! If they
answer incorrectly, play resumes with the next team. Each other cup is
outlined with a color that correlates to a specific trivia question category.
When a player makes it into a cup, he or she will have 30 seconds to answer a
trivia question. The opposing team is in charge of keeping time with their own
device. If the player answers correctly, they get to remove that cup from the
board and their turn is over. If they answer incorrectly they must leave the cup
on the board and the ball goes to the next team. Each turn only one player
from each team will get to shoot the ball. The second team member will get to
shoot during the next turn. The first team to get rid of all of their cups, minus
the bonus, wins the game!


Science - Red
History - Orange
Movies - Pink
Music - Purple
Geography - Green
Art - Yellow
Animals - Blue
Sports - Lime Green
Celebs - Light Purple
Purdue - Gray

Game Design Team: Carter, Sarah, Morgan, Sydney & Natalie

Spring 2015

Team 4

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