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Emilee Gourley Interview Project: Part 1 ‘Communication 1010-004 02/20/2015 ‘Background Information My Interviewee: am interviewing Heidi Carter, She is a personal trainer and also does body building competitions herself. I don’t really know her personally but she trained my sister and brother in law. Iam choosing to interview her because I am going into health and nutrient, What Heidi does is something I am interested in doing, and I want to know more about the field so I thought she is the perfect interviewee. We will be interviewing at her office so she can also show me around and what a typical day is like for her. Career Research: T became interested in health and nutrition my senior year in high school. I loved it so much that I decided I wanted to help people live a happier and healthier lifestyle. I have taken a few anatomy and biology classes. I am always most interested in the class when we are talking about health and nutrition. I have learned a few things about dieting and how it is important to have a healthy relationship with food, I recently read an article about how over emphasis on being healthy can become unhealthy. I found that very interesting who would have thought that trying to be healthy can lead to become an unhealthy habit When I would go to the gym I talked to a few personal trainers that worked there. They told me I can go online and talk classes to get certified. Some of the trainers went to college to get a better education and more knowledge about the human body. When I started here at SLCC I didn’t think they would have a program for personal training. I was excited to find out that I can major in health technician, and become something I love to do and learn about. ‘There is a lot more to personal training than just a work out and meal plan. I want to help people who had a major weight loss surgery or people who have an eating disorder. There are a lot of job opportunities in this field, There are always going to be people who want to try and live a happy and healthier life Interview Schedule Hello Heidi, thank you for taking the time out of your day to do this interview with me. I chose to interview you because I am interested in going into the field of health and nutrition. ‘This interview is for my communication class I am taking at Salt Lake Community College. 1 will be asking is it a good career choice, what is a typical day for you, and what kind of education do you need. Let’s get started. Body: Topic 1: Is this a good career choice 1, Why did you choose this field? (Primary, Open) - Do you think that this is a good career choice? (Secondary) ~ Tread most personal trainers don’t last very long what is your input on that? (Open) 2. How did you get started? (Primary, open) - If you had the choice to start over again would you do it the same way? (Secondary, Closed) 3, What education path would you recommend to get started? (Primary, Open) = Would you recommend getting an online certification? (Secondary, Closed) = How much time does it take to get certified? (Secondary, Closed) - How much does it cost? (Secondary, Closed) 4, What other skills do you need to have to be a good trainer? (Primary, Open) = How did you develop these skills? (Secondary, Closed) = How did you prepare for this career and skills? (Secondary, Closed) 5. Do you feel this is well paying career? (Primary, Open) = Many trainers don’t work for very long, is it because of the pay? (Secondary, Closed) 6. What elements have contributed most to your suecess? (Primary, Open) Topic 2: A Typical Day T would like to know what you do in a typical day at your job. 1, What do you do in a typical day? (Primary, Open) = What do you enjoy most at your job? (Secondary, Closed) = What do you least like about your job? (Secondary, Closed) 2. What is your schedule like? (Primary, Open) = Do you see client at your office and give them a plan? (Secondary, Closed) = Do you goto the gym with them and guide them through a workout? (Secondary, Closed) - How many clients do you have? (Secondary, Closed) ~ How many clients do you see in one day? (Secondary, Closed) 3. Is your schedule flexible? = Do you make your own schedule? (Secondary, Closed) = Is it hard to take time off? (Secondary, Closed) = Does this career work well if you have a family? (Secondary, Closed) Topic 3: Education Thave heard that you can get certified online and or go to college. 1. Do you recommend getting certified online? (Primary, Open) + IfTam looking for a job will Tnot have as good of a chance to get hired as if someone else went to college and has a degree? (Secondary, Closed) = Do you learn as much on online certification classes? (Secondary, Closed) 2. What college do you recommend? (Primary, Open) - How did you get certified? (Secondary, Closed) - If you went to college where did you go? (Secondary, Closed) = What did you major in? (Secondary, Closed) = Are there certain classes you recommend me to take? (Secondary, Closed) 3. How else can I use this degree? (Primary, Open) = Can T get other jobs with having to take little to no classes? (Secondary, Closed) Clearinghouse question: The interviewee’s tum 1. Are there any subjects we have not discussed that you need to be aware of? (Primary, Open) Closing It looks like that is all the questions I have for you. Thank you again for helping me with my communications assignment, You have been a big help and I have learned so much from you, think you made it much easier for me to be confident in taking this career path. Also like I had mentioned earlier in order for me to get credit I need you to complete an evaluation form, Please be honest whether it is good or bad, it won’t affect my grade. If you could please mail this to my professor sometime within the next two days it would be greatly appreciated. Here is a stamped, addressed envelope. If you would not mind please attach your business card, also. ‘Thank you so much for your time and it was a pleasure meeting with you. Goodbye. Emilee Gourley “ Interview Project: Part 2 \oo Communication 1010 03/27/2015 Interview Analysis Memo had the opportunity to interview Heidi Carter a personal trainer. I knew a few people she had trained who had amazing results, so | emailed her and asked if I could do an interview with her. Thave chosen to go into the health and nutrition field but have had my doubts about it. Tam glad Thad the chance to talk with Heidi, because she made it clear for me to see this is something I would love to do for a career. ‘Summary of interview Topic 1: How it all started After interviewing Heidi she made it clear this is a good career choice for me, She chose this field because she wanted to help others become healthier and happier with themselves. She said after her father had past away from heart disease it was clear to her that she wanted to help people to become healthier. She said this is a good career choice if you like to help others and learning about the body. Heidi started with National Academy of Sports Medicine ( It took her 3 months to get her first certification. After that she started at 24 hour fitness and built her clientele and experience, I asked her if itis a well paying career her response. “Yes and no, if you are busy, yes it is very good, it is commission only.” This is also something she does not like about her job if you aren’t busy or don’t have a built clientele you don’t get paid The best thing about this field of work is seeing everyone’s progress and how happy and proud. they are of themselves. Also you have flexible hours you get to choose when you work. Something Heidi least likes about her job, she has to work around other peoples work schedule. She goes to work Monday through Friday 5 am to 10 am then back again from 4 pm to 8 pm, then Saturdays 8 am to 12 pm. You don’t get any benefits and it is commission based. ‘Topic 2: Education When I think of a personal trainer and there education I assume they probably just got a cettification online. Although that is true there is also other things you can do to better educate yourself, Heidi did an online certification at CPT then at NASM CES. She highly recommends taking those certifications. I was concerned that I would not have as well as an opportunity as someone who got a college degree for a job if I only had an online certification. Heidi reassured me I have just as good as a chance as they do. They don’t just look at the degree or certification a lot of it is your skill, sales and people skills. Key elements to be successful in this business are; being personal, confident, relate to client, and always try new ways to help. I thought this was great advice that I can use and lear as I go through school and start my career. Heidi did not go to college but she said if T want to continue education past an online certification to go to Salt Lake Community College, She advised me to take an exercise science and go into physical therapy. Also training would be a good intro into that field, Other classes Heidi recommended were 2 CPR/AED, nutrition classes, anatomy, NASM, and to read nutrient timing for peak performance by Heidi Skolnik With all these classes and certifications I asked if I could use this degree or certification any other way. Heidi said in personal life, career and any health field these courses will be helpful to me, Topic 3: A Typical Day After finding out about the education and how to get started in the career I wanted to know what atypical work day is like, Like I had mentioned earlier her hours work around other people’s schedule, Monday through Friday 5 am to 10 am then back at work again 4 pm to 8 pm, and Saturdays 8 am to 12 pm. In those hours she sees 6 to 8 clients. First she goes to her office to set up a nutrient and work out plan. After that she will go to the gym with them and guide them through there workout. Most clients want to train 30 to 60 minutes some train once a week others three times a week, it just depends on what the client wants, Heidi works about 80 hours a month with this schedule she is able to be at home with her son and when she has to go back to work in the evening her husband is home to take care of their son. Interview Analysis ‘This interview showed me I do want to go into this field of work, maybe not exactly like Heidi's job but I do want to work in this field and help people become healthier. Analysis of Personal Trainer as my Career Choice Tam pretty outgoing so this interview wasn’t too difficult for me to do. I prepared myself by writing out the questions and practicing my interview with my family members. This helped me bbe more organized and professional for the real interview. By writing the questions out and practicing them aloud this helped me keep good eye contact, stay on topic, and not be nervous. Heidi did a great job she answered all of my questions. I wish she would have gone into a little more depth with her answers but she got the point across. If T ever conduct an interview again, I think I know how to better prepare myself. Taking a recorder would have been so much easier instead of having her repeat the answers so I could write them down, That was a little embarrassing but Heidi was very patient and understanding At the end of the interview I thanked her for her time and let her know she was very helpful. She filled out the evaluation right there for me. I shook her hand thanked her again and was on my way, I had forgotten to ask for her business card so I had to email her, she was able to email me a copy of the card but an original one would have been better. Next time I will try harder to remember everything so I don’t have to take more time out of there day. This interview has taught me a lot about how to present yourself and well public speaking skills. uly Letter of Thanks Dear Heidi, ‘Thank you so much for allowing me to interview you about your career. The answers you provided during our interview were really interesting and helpful to me admire your dedication to your job and the care you give to ensure the best for your clients From this interview I realized that reading about a career does not give you the full perspective about a day in the life of a personal trainer, but speaking with you has given me vital information. For example I did not know that you had to work around other people’s schedule I just thought you set your own schedule, You have opened my eyes that this is a career I want to go into. I love learning about health and the body and you made this sound like an excellent career choice appreciate you setting aside some time to do this interview with me, You have taught me a lot about this a career and how to interview. Thank you for helping me with my communications class assignment. Sincerely, Emilee Gourley

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