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April 7, 2015 Nathan Sanders Adress. City, State Zip Dear Incoming Students: I'm writing to inform you of the most important things to remember throughout your first year of college. The first, and most important thing is keeping a detailed record of college events. Next is to never fall behind or put things off until the last minute. Lastly, keep your end goal in mind throughout the semester. As a first year student these are the things I've discovered have helped me tremendously. First, I'm going to describe using a planner. This is the most tool a student can use. Keep a small planner with you at all times and write important dates and important assignments in it. In my planner I have a list of things to do each day. 1 number each thing based on their priority level. also put important due dates in there such as tests and assignments. This has helped me mostly by helping me juggle my time between family, school, work, and friends. This will also help keep your grades up my keeping you current with assignments, test, or quizzes that are du.. An updated and current planner makes it almost impossible to not know what's coming up next. “If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail.” (Ben Franklin) ‘The next important thing I've discovered this semester is to never fall behind. Having a detailed day planner will help prevent falling behind. The procrastinator in all of us tends to put even the day planner things aside. The only thing that can truly keep us from falling behind is ourselves. Getting behind is really easy and once it happens it seems to get worse and worse. Soon enough you've dug yourself into a hole so big it’s almost impossible to get out. The easiest way to take care of this common problem is to not get into it in the first place. Have priorities. Make sure you know your education is more important than your friend’s “sweet” party this weekend, Get ‘done first, party later. There’s no due date to having fun but there is a due date on that big paper In English Last, remember to keep your main goal in mind. Throughout the entire semester keep reminding yourself why you decided to go to school in the first place. Maybe it's to better provide for your family? Maybe it's to better the world? Maybe it’s just to better your talents? Whatever the reason keep that in mind and hold on to it. For instance if you're going to school for your family you can think, “I’m going to finish this paper so I can eventually buy my wife the dream house she always talks about.” Keep your end goal in mind. Incorporate these three things into your college experience and you'll find success in college quite simple. If you don’t do these things, you might be find yourself on your couch wondering what you could have done to earn that last A or get that degree. Remember, keep a day planner, don’t get behind, and remember why you're going to school. Fight on and be a success Sincerely ‘Nathan Sanders

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