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A Bibliography of the Liturgical Movement

Compiled by J. David Belcher1

Roman Catholic Liturgical Renewal:
European Roots:
Beauduin, Dom Lambert. La vraie prire de Lglise: Communication
de Dom L. Beauduin au Congrs des Oeuvres Catholiques de Malines
(23 Septembre 1909). Questions Liturgiques 91 (2010): 37-41.
. Liturgy, the Life of the Church. Trans. Virgil Michel. Collegeville,
MN: Liturgical, 1926.
Berger, Teresa. The Classical Liturgical Movement in Germany and
Austria: Moved by Women? Worship 66, no. 3 (1992):23151. See
especially bibliographic info on pp. 23637nn56; 244n1819.
Bishop, Edmund. The Genius of the Roman Rite. In Liturgica
Historica: Papers on the Liturgy and Religious Life of the Western
Church, 119. Oxford: Clarendon, 1918.
. Liturgica Historica: Papers on the Liturgy and Religious Life of
the Western Church. Oxford: Clarendon, 1918.
Botte, Dom Bernard. From Silence to Participation: An Insiders View of
Liturgical Renewal. Trans. John Sullivan. Washington, D C: Pastoral,
Bouyer, Louis. Liturgical Piety. Liturgical Studies 1. Notre Dame: Notre
Dame University Press, 1954.
. Life and Liturgy. London: Sheed & Ward, 1954.
Bugnini, Annibale. The Reform of the Liturgy 19481975. Edited by
Matthew J. OConnell. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical, 1990.

1 This is a comprehensive, though not exhaustive, bibliography of the most

important sources for the twentieth-century liturgical renewal of the church
commonly referred to simply as The Liturgical Movement. It traces the sources
found in the three most important branches of the liturgical renewal: the Roman
Catholic Church (both in continental Europe and in the United States), the Anglican
churches (both the Church of England and The Episcopal Church), and the Orthodox

Casel, Odo. Le Mystere du culte dans le christianisme: richesse du

mystere du Christ. 2nd ed. Lex Orandi 38. Paris: n.p., 1964. ET: Mystery
of Christian Worship
Cooke, Bernard. The Distancing of God: The Ambiguity of Symbol in
History and Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1990.
. Ministry to Word and Sacraments: History and Theology.
Philadelphia: Fortress, 1976.
Fischer, Balthasar N. Die Psalmen als Stimme der Kirche. Edited by
Andreas Heinz. Trier: Paulinus, 1982.
. Signs, Words and Gestures. New York: Pueblo, 1981. Originally
published as Von der Schale bis zum Kern (Freiburg: Herder, 1979).
Guardini, Romano. The Spirit of the Liturgy. New York: Sheed & Ward,
Guranger, Dom Prosper. Essai historique sur labbaye de Solesmes
. Institutions Liturgiques. 4 vols. 2nd ed. Paris:
. LAnne Liturgique. The Liturgical Year. Trans. Dom Laurence
Shepherd. 15 vols. Westminster, MD: Newman, 19481950.
Gelineau, Joseph. Le Guide de psautier de la Bible de Jerusalem. Paris:
Cerf, 1962.
. Voices and Instruments in Christian Worship: Principles, Laws,
Applications. Trans. Clifford Howell. London: Burns & Oates, 1964.
Originally published as Chant et musique dans le culte chretien (Paris:
Fleuris, 1962).
Herwegen, Ildefons. Kirche und Seele: Die Seelenhaltung des
Mysterienkultes und ihr Wandel in Mittelalter. Aschendorffs
zeitgemsse Schriften 9. Mnster: Aschendorff, 1926.
Jungmann, Josef A. Early Liturgy.
. Pastoral Liturgy. New York: Herder & Herder, 1962.
Martimort, Aime Georges, editor. The Church at Prayer: An Introduction
to the Liturgy. 3 vols. in 1. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical.

Parsch, Pius. The Liturgy of the Mass. Trans. H. E. Winstone. 3rd ed.
London: Herder, 1957.
. Die Mitarbeit der Frau in der liturgischen Bewegung. Bibel und
Liturgie 7 (1932/33): 43644.
Pius X, Pope. Motu Proprio: SSmi Pii PP. X de restauratione musicae
sacrae (I) [Tra Le Sollecitudini]. In Acta Sanctae Sedis: In Compendium
Opportune Redacta et Illustrata, ed. Vittorii Piazzesi, 36:32939. Rome:
Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 19031904. English translation: Tra le
Sollecitudini: Instruction on Sacred Music. Online:, accessed March 25, 2013.
Pius XII, Pope. Mediator Dei. 1947.
. Mysticum Corpus Christi.
Sheppard, Lancelot. The Liturgical Books.
Vogel, Cyrille. Medieval Liturgy
Wintersig, Athanasius, Liturgy and Womans Soul.
Lohr, Aemiliana. The Great Week: An Explanation of the Liturgy of Holy
Week. Longmans Green, 1958.
. The Mass through the Year. 2 vols.
. Le Mysteres de la Paque.
Second Vatican Council. Sacrosanctum Concilium / Constitution on the
Sacred Liturgy.
Flannery, Austin, editor. Vatican Council II. New rev. ed. 2 vols. New
York: Costello
Catechism of the Catholic Church.
American Movement:
Michel, Virgil. The Christian in the World.
. The Philosophical and Theological Bases of the Liturgical
. Our Life in Christ.

Hall, Jeremy. The Full Stature of Christ.

Mueller, Therese. Family Life in Christ.
Hellriegel, Martin.
Marx, Paul. Virgil Michel and the Liturgical Movement.
Ade Bethune.
Fagerberg, David. Theologia Prima: What Is Liturgical Theology?
Kavanagh, Aidan. On Liturgical Theology.
Anglican Liturgical Renewal:
Church of England:
Brightman, F. E. Liturgies Eastern and Western. Vol. 1, Eastern
Liturgies. Oxford: Clarendon, 1896.
. The English Rites. 2 vols. Rivington, 1915. [pub]
Candole, Henry de. The Sacraments and the Church: A Study in the
Corporate Nature of Christianity. London: Mowbray, 1935. [Check pub
Cuming, G. J. A History of Anglican Liturgy. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan,
Davies, J. G. The Architectural Setting of Baptism
. Worship in the Church of EnglandHistory
Dearmer, Percy. The Parsons Handbook. 1st ed. London: Grant
Richards, 1899.

Dix, Dom Gregory. The Shape of the Liturgy. With additional notes by
Paul V. Marshall. New York: Seabury, 1982.
Fisher, J. D. C. Baptism in the Medieval West.
. Baptism in the Reformation.
. Confirmation
Frere, Walter Howard. Some Principles of Liturgical Reform: A
Contribution towards the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer.
London: John Murray, 1911.
Hebert, A. G. Liturgy and Society. London: Faber & Faber, 1935.
Hebert, A. G., editor. Parish Eucharist.
Jasper, R. C. D. The Development of Anglican Liturgy: 16621980.
London: SPCK, 1989.
. Prayer Book Revision in England: 18001900. London: SPCK,
Jasper, R. C. D., with G. J. Cuming. Prayers of the Eucharist: Early and
Reformed. 3rd ed. Collegeville, MN: Pueblo, 1987.
Lampe, G. W. H. The Seal of the Spirit.
Whitaker, E. C. Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy
The Episcopal Church:
Adams, William Seth. Moving the Furniture: Liturgical Theory, Practice,
and Environment. New York: Church Publishing, 1999.
. Shaped by Images: One Who Presides. New York: Church
Hymnal, 1995.
Alexander, J. Neil. Waiting for the Coming: The Liturgical Meaning of
Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. Washington, DC: Pastoral, 1993.
Alexander, J. Neil, editor. With Ever Joyful Hearts: Essays on Liturgy and
Music in Honor of Marion J. Hatchett. New York: Church Publishing,
Parsons, Edward Lambe, and Bayard Hale Jones. The American Prayer
Book: Its Origins and Principles. New York: Scribners Sons, 1937.

Ladd, William Palmer. Prayer Book Interleaves: Some Reflections on

How the Book of Common Prayer Might Be Made More Influential in
Our English-Speaking World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1942.
Shepherd, Massey Hamilton, Jr. The Liturgical Movement and the
Prayer Book: The Twenty-Ninth Hale Memorial Sermon. Evanston, IL:
Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, 1946.
. Liturgy and Education. New York: Seabury, 1965.
. The Liturgy and the Christian Faith. Greenwich, CT: Seabury,
. The Living Liturgy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946.
. The Oxford American Prayer Book Commentary. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1950.
. The Paschal Liturgy and the Apocalypse. Ecumenical Studies in
Worship 6. London: Lutterworth, 1960.
. The Reform of Liturgical Worship: Perspectives and Prospects.
Bohlen Lectures 1959. New York: Oxford University Press, 1961.
. The Worship of the Church. Churchs Teaching Series 4. New
York: Seabury, 1952.
Shepherd, Massey Hamilton, Jr., editor. The Eucharist and Liturgical
Renewal. New York: Oxford University Press, 1960.
. The Liturgical Renewal of the Church: Addresses of the
Liturgical Conference Held in Grace Church, Madison, May 1921,
1958. New York: Oxford University Press, 1960.
Talley, Thomas. The Origins of the Liturgical Year. New York: Pueblo,
Weil, Louis. Christian Initiation: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary
on the Proposed Rites. Pamphlet. Alexandria, VA: Associated Parishes,
. A Theology of Worship. New Churchs Teaching Series 12.
Lanham, MD: Cowley, 2002.

. When Signs Signify: The Baptismal Covenant in Its

Sacramental Context. Open (Spring 2008), 59.
Meyers, Ruth A. Continuing the Reformation: Re-Visioning Baptism in
the Episcopal Church. New York: Church Publishing, 1997.
Meyers, Ruth A., editor. Baptism and Ministry. Liturgical Studies 1. New
York: Church Hymnal, 1994.
Meyers, Ruth A., and Paul Gibson. Worship-Shaped Life: Liturgical
Formation and the People of God. Norwich: Canterbury, 2010.
Stevick, Daniel. Baptismal Moments, Baptismal Meanings. New York:
Church Hymnal, 1987.
. The Crafting of Liturgy. New York: Church Publishing, 1990.
Mitchell, Leonel. Baptismal Anointing. Notre Dame: University of Notre
Dame Press, 1978.
. Praying Shapes Believing: A Theological Commentary on the
Book of Common Prayer. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse, 1985.
Hatchett, Marion. Commentary on the American Prayer Book. New
York: Seabury, 1980.
. Sanctifying Life, Time, and Space: An Introduction to Liturgical
Study. New York: Seabury, 1976.
Price, Charles, and Louis Weil. Liturgy for Living. Churchs Teaching
Series 5. New York: Seabury, 1979.
Eastman, Theodore A. The Baptizing Community: Christian Initiation
and the Local Congregation. Rev. ed. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse, 1991.
Runkle, John Ander, editor. Searching for Sacred Space: Essays on
Architecture and Liturgical Design in the Episcopal Church. New York:
Church Publishing, 2002.
Farwell, James W. Baptism, Eucharist, and the Hospitality of Jesus: On
the Practice of Open Communion. Anglican Theological Review 86, no.
2 (2005): 21538.
. This Is the Night: Suffering, Salvation, and the Liturgies of Holy
Week. New York: T. & T. Clark, 2005.

Irving, Andrew J. M. A Burden of Such Great Weight: Restoring

Appropriate Formation in the Catechumenate. Worship 78 (2004):
Malloy, Patrick. Celebrating the Eucharist: A Practical and Ceremonial
Guide for Clergy and other Liturgical Ministers. New York: Church
Publishing, 2007.
. Christian Anamnesis and Popular Religion. Liturgical Ministry 7
(1998): 12128.
. Rick Warren Meets Gregory Dix: The Liturgical Movement
Comes Knocking at the Megachurch Door. Anglican Theological
Review 92, no. 3 (2010): 43953.
Turrell, James F. Celebrating the Rites of Initiation: A Practical
Ceremonial Guide to Clergy and Other Liturgical Ministers. New York:
Church Publishing, 2013.
. Muddying the Waters of Baptism: The Theology Committees
Report on Baptism, Confirmation, and Christian Formation. Anglican
Theological Review 88, no. 3 (Summer 2006) 34159.
McMichael, Ralph, editor. Creation and Liturgy: Studies in Honor of H.
Boone Porter. Washington, DC: Pastoral, 1993.
Prayer Book Studies. 30 vols.
Porter, H. Boone. The Day of Light. The Biblical and Liturgical Meaning
of Sunday. London: SCM, 1960.
. Episcopal Anaphoral Prayers. In New Eucharistic Prayers: An
Ecumenical Study of Their Development and Structure, edited by Frank
C. Senn, PAGES. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 1987.
. The Ordination Prayers of the Ancient Western Church. Alcuin
Club 49. London: SPCK, 1967.
Orthodox Liturgical Renewal:
Afanasiev, Nicholas. The Church of the Holy Spirit.
. The Church which Presides in Love.
. The Lords Supper.

. Una Sancta.
Bulgakov, Sergius. Jacobs Ladder
. Orthodoxy.
Evdokimov, Paul. Orthodoxy.
Schmemann, Alexander. For the Life of the World. Crestwood, NY: St.
Vladimirs Seminary Press,
. The Eucharist. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimirs Seminary Press,
. Introduction to Liturgical Theology. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimirs
Seminary Press,
. Liturgy and Tradition: Theological Reflections of Alexander
Schmemann. Edited by Thomas Fisch. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimirs
Seminary Press, 1990.
. Of Water and the Spirit. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimirs Seminary
Zizioulas, John D. Being as Communion. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimirs
Seminary Press, 1985.
. The Eucharistic Communion and the World. Edited by Luke Ben
Tallon. London: T. & T. Clark, 2011.
Important Secondary Sources:
Berger, Teresa. Womens Ways of Worship.
Crichton, J. D. Lights in the Darkness: Fore-Runners of the Liturgical
Movement (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1996)
Harmond, Catherine. There Were Also Many Women There.
Koenker, Ernest B. The Liturgical Movement in the Roman Catholic
Pecklers, Unread Vision
Rousseau, Olivier. Histoire du Mouvement Liturgique. Paris, 1945.

Anglican Theological Review.

Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal.
Bibel und Liturgie.
Ecclesia Orans.
Ephemerides Liturgicae.
Jahrbuch fur Liturgiewissenschaft.
La Maison-Dieu: Revue de Pastorale Liturgique.
Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen.
Liturgische Zeitschrift.
Liturgy: A Journal of the Liturgical Conference.
Liturgical Ministry.
Catechumenate: A Journal of Christian Initiation.
Orate Fratres.
Questions Liturgiques / Studies in Liturgy.
Sacred Music.
Sacred Architecture.
Studia Liturgica.

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