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Independent Reading Letter

April 2015

Follow the guidelines below to either handwrite or type your letter. Typed
letters should be printed and turned into me by
Tuesday, April 28th.
1st paragraph - Introduction:
1. Write the date, greeting, title of poem in quotation marks, poet and genre of
your poem.
2. Briefly describe why you chose this as your poem.

2nd paragraph - Inferring the big ideas

1. Discuss the inferences, questions, or connections you had about the poem when
you read and reread it.
2. Discuss the big idea in your poem. What do you think is the underlying
meaning of the poem.

3rd paragraph - Poetic Devices:

1. Describe three poetic devices you identified in your poem. Be sure to include a
direct quote from the poem as evidence for each poetic device.
4th paragraph - Closing:
Include any final thoughts you have about poetry. Who is your favorite poet?
What is your favorite type of poetry to read and write? How has your
understanding/appreciation of poetry changed? And dont forget to sign your

April Poetry
Letter Rubric

Readers Name______________________

Student includes the date, greeting, title in quotation

marks, poet, and genre of poem.
Identifies the big idea, includes questions, connections,
and the underlying meaning of the poem.
Identifies three poetic devices and includes direct
quotes from the poem as evidence.
Identifies favorite poem, type of poetry to read and
write. Self-reflects on the process of reading and
understanding poetry.
GUMS (grammar, usage, mechanics, spelling,
neatness), paragraphs are indented, signed at the


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