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3 LAMP Dally Lesson Narrative (The adaptation sections are not all-inclusive, and some smaller changes to lessons and procedures which are not documented herein may be notated on revised lesson plansin the project.) ‘= Monday, March 2™ (Day 1 - New Material) Lesson Reflection The students were very attentive during the unit portion ofthe lesson. A couple of students in particular seemed to pickup onthe concepts forthe day rather quickly and were always quick to answer questions. After a couple of answers from those students, began trying to get other students to answer by asking fr anyone other than those students to offer responses. For the most part, students wee able to respond correctly ta questions about the flats and sharps which would appearin a key signature fit had a given numberof flats or sharps. The percussion section seemed the most disinterested inthe lesson, and a number of comments were directed at them to draw their attention to what was happening inthe lesson, bbut more effort can be made inthe future to that end. The segment regarding bars and treble lef notes was a bit troublesome, and alt of effort went into making sure students who read ‘treble clef could also read bass clef and vice versa, This is important for the successful ‘completion of the unt because in order to remain impartial on the tests had t include both ‘ass and treble clef for reading and notating. The students were also much more successful With the Db major scale than during the pretest because of the way in whch introduced this unfamiliar kay. A couple sections of students still had discernible eificulty, so more attention willbe paid to those students during the next exercises inthis key, Future Adaptations \With today being a 2shour delay, I was nt able to ge through everything | wanted to {do during the LAMP portion. I had planned fora bit of listening, but since band was only 3 30, ‘minute class because ofthe delay! ut it short to make time forthe remainder ofthe rehearsal Schedule. Ihave been careful to plan fr 15 minutes of unt material atthe stat of each cass ‘other than review days —and that is for a normal 5 minute period. Without the litening | was at about 11-12 minutes today, which tells me that my pacing was good and right ontrack for what was planned. | wil be moving todays listening section to tomorrow's review ime and adding 2 minutes to that review. The groups which had the most trouble today inthe notes Portion of class were the percussionists, s0| willbe making sue to direct more questions to ‘those students tomorrow during review and during future lessons. The students having the a4 ‘most trouble with the Db scale today were the tenor saxophones, trombones, and trumpets. | Ul give them feedback during the review and pay attention to their progress the next time we ‘work in that key. The final change which was made today and willbe kept fr future lessons ‘was that instead of wit everything on the board during the lesson, the questions posed ‘were written onthe board before class to be copied into the notebooks ofthe students, Then, asthe lesson moved forward | only needed to write answers as we went through them instead Of spending more class time turned aay from the students and losing thelr focus. These notebooks will be collected atthe midway paint on Felday to make sure the students are doing the work ad taking notes. A small quiz over the week's material has aso been added tothe Friday plan. No other major areas of trouble arose today, and there are no further adaptations tomy plans for the next coupe of days as of yet + Tuesday, March 3" (Day 2~ Review) Review Reflection School was cancelled today due to the ie and freezing rain situation. It appears that large number of aea schools were in the same boat, No reflection available fr this review lesson and the changes whic are required due to this unexpected losure are detailed inthe next section. Future Adaptations “The review which was planned for today willbe moved tothe beginning of Day 3's lesson, ast should beable to tein quite well to that material. The review ofthe order of flats and sharps wil lead very wellinto the ice of fths. The listening portion that was moved from Monday to Tuesday because ofthe delay will now be moved again to Wednesday and ‘added on to that days listening portion. The combination ofthe review and added listening Should only add about five minutes t the lesson, but that is enough extra time that will need tobe more on top of the students about geting ther instruments out and sitting down much ‘quicker than normal. {may also need to adjust the rehearsal pla, and am prepared to do so if Needed after the unit lezen ie complete, No further adaptations soem needed at thi paint. = Wednesday, March 4" (Day 3 ~ Review/New Material) Lesson Reflection 5 Today afew things were improved from Monday and a few things were a litle shaky after missing school Tuesday due to weather. The students seemed to retain the order ofits and sharps and were able to apply that knowledge to answer questions, which was great. However, once I started talking about the cce of ths, | think! began losing some people. tried to explain as best | could the relationship between the keys and how they were set up on the cic, For the most part | think the students were hanging in there with me, though some started to lose focus. I kept on the percussion section more today to keep them engaged and! directed more questions atthe students who | knew were struggling on Monday. There was 2 loc of material crammed in to today because ofthe lost day andthe need for review, som really proud ofthe students for sticking tout and moving through t with me. The board work ‘and notes went prety smoothly overall, andi will beable to better asses their understanding ‘tomorrow after they have had time to think things over. The part which gt some students ving me weird looks was the listening portion, which is concerning since that was thelr best section on the pre-test by far. | wanted to reassess abit of how they are doing with listening and diferentiatig major versus minor In scales an triads, justin case some ofthe right answers were due to guessing on the pre-test. played some scales and triads and had them rite thei answers in thelr notebooks for me to look at over the weekend, and 2 couple “students were asking me how they are supposed to tell the diference between major and ‘minor. | told them to just do ther best and listen forthe differences that they could ascertain Ie wl be interesting to see where they area for next week's lessons on minor keys. | was ally pleased with the retention as a group on the Db major scale, though there were some pitch issues in the percussion and saxophone sections again. For the most part they were able totell when they were wrong today and frit, but the errors were stil noticeable, so we will do more with that key in the future. I may write simple sight-reading exercise fr them in Db and see how that goes. As fr asthe new key of G major, there were some issues in the saxophones and trumpets, but nothing extremely glaring | was really happy with thee performance 00 both scales today andi will be Interesting to see how those continue to progress. I willbe ‘making a change to the warm-up key fr Thursday based on this afternoon's playing. tur Some ofthe changes ve decided on based on today andthe last lesson include changes tothe keys in which | will have the students playing. While my orignal Intent was to have the students performing several new and unfamiliar scales atthe end ofthe unt, | believe it would be better in ther interest to stick with the scales used on the pre-test and posttest. I believe ‘tat because it isiess than ideal to introduce too many new keys and scales to performers of ‘this bility and age group in uch a short amount of ime. That sort of goes against one of the ‘objectives of the unit in that I woul ike them to feel comfortable and successful withthe new keys and introducing too many might lessen that feeling. W's the same reason why we don't Introduce 3 oF 4 scales to beginning students in thelr frst few months of playing thelr Instruments. If they were more familar with reading and maintaining key signatures, it might bbe more achievable to play more new scales, but since am nearly starting at square one with the key signatures itjust seems moce prudent to focus onthe ones identified. Therefore tomorrow Ibe using Eb, Db, and G scales, with warm-ups occuring once again in. I wil also be starting to isolate and listen to the groups having trouble and assist them by drawing their attention to incorrect notes and asking them how ta correct them. This wll require me to brush up on my fingerings abt, especially for saxophone. | will lo remind them that this post: tests fora grade inthe class, equivalent to z playing test grade, to ensure that | Keep their attention and that they put forward ther best effort. told the students today, and will Continue to tell them, that they can ask questions during this process. | haven't received any ‘questions during the two days 0 far, and Unope that tne will begin to ask questions In zh future. ry to make my presentation style more welcoming to questioning in these next lessons, ‘| Thursday, March 5" (Day 4~ New Material) esson Reflection “Today was acificult day with the students. They were very attentive and responsive, but they took quite some time to grasp the material. 1 as very clear with the way | explained the tricks to naming and writing keys wit fats and sharps, ané while most students were starting to understand how to do these things, there were a couple of students who were noticeably strugeling when asked questions. One student in particular was very vocal about not Understanding 50 | had the class pay attention wile she and | worked through some examples together. After a few examples, she was able to do them on her own, and that was great ‘experience for us. | just needed to help her work backwards through the process so that she could understand how to doit the ther way. Itwas alittle frustrating that my well thought out ‘way of explaining things wasn’t goad enough to help some students, butt was good to beable to work them through the process in other ways and help them reach the same level of proficiency a5 the other students by the end of our lesson. The process took a ite longer than Tad intialy planned for, so rehearsal time was limited after the lesson. The scales we have bbeen working on continue to improve, and 'm very pleased with ther progress thus far with week stil to go. There has been a sort of major revelation | had the past couple of day, and this weekend wil give me. chance to try and solve the problem. | seem to have been quite ambitious withthe planning of this unit by combining minor keys and the major vs. minor Ttering. thave been using uname muse to help the tudonts hear the difference between ‘major and minor inthe listening portions but I think tay be more beneficial to them to hear more familar musi for now, and thea after the units over continue withthe listening inthe future forthe rest of the semester. While the musicluse next week for Istening might be familar to them, doesn’t mean they know whether its major or minor, so that willbe the real focus. Rather than having them try to focus on something new as well asthe modalty, | think taking the first part ofthat away and solely focusing onthe major/minor comparison will 37 be the best use of our limited time. rllbe looking fr some other tunes to use. | had already planned to use one familar tne with the Mario theme as a sort of easy lesson fr them to be ‘successful at, ut now 'm thinking that’s more along the lines I shouldbe focusing on with that portion now. Future Adaptations ‘The biggest adaptations needed at this point are those Istening changes mentioned above, I believe these changes are inthe best interest ofthe students fortis unit, and will help them be more successful in the Future ducing and after the conclusion ofthe unit. After the challenges today with naming and writing keys, the performance on tomorrow's qui wil be instrumental in changing the next lezon for Monday. There are no other major changes to be ‘made as of now, though | anticipate some major alterations inthe plans for next week based on + Friday, March 6” (Day 5 ~ Review/Quiz) Lesson Reflection ‘Today there was no new material today, and a mid-unit quiz was administered. No reflection to bbe made, and adaptations willbe based on performance of students on the qui Future Adaptations ‘The students dd realy wel overall on thelr mid-unit quiz. The amount of growth shown was surprising an pleasing at the same tine. There were afew students, which you wil se in the data, who did nt improve nearly at all. Those ill be the students who are more frequently targeted with questioning in clas, and some comments were written inthe notebooks of those students. If notice through ths second week that those same students are not paying attention or doing very welll may pul them aside ater cass to discuss their attitudes and/or performance, No real changes have been made to this week’s plans forthe lessons based on this quz because of the overall performance ofthe cass, but changes were ‘made to some of the minor key material n accordance with Thursday reflection and asaptabon section 38 + Monday, March 9" (Day 6 New Material) Lesson Reflection ‘Today/s material over relative minor and relative major went really well for the most pat. The students seamed ta understand the method as | taut it inorder to determine the Felative minor of amajor key. They definitly played the C minor scale, a tested scale, with an incredibly higher accuracy than on their pre-test. They seemed to have retained alot of information from last week, and I had a frank discussion withthe students about how they need to really apply themselves this week, especialy those who didn’t take it seriously last week. Tomorrows review will see some additions to things did today n order to better prepare them for the rst ofthis week. Future Adaptations Hi need to remind tudents to not only use the order of sharps an fats to remember iat sharps and fats ate in the key signatures, but also to write them Inthe right order and Fight locations on the staff aswell, There were afew qulzzes in their notebooks in which the students had the corrct flats or sharps, btn the wrong places or order. ™m also goingto Start setting up chalts forthe percussion closer to the rast of the band so they can't try to sit back and tlk during the lessons or get away with not paying attention and not geting called on. fl need totry and get some time to take a certain clarinet player aside during atime when my CTs teaching and work wth her on remediation because she has asked for some help ‘Tomorrow will consist of more practice at naming and writing major keys as well as afew more detailed examples and processing of minor key signatures. As of right now, no substantial ‘changes are needed for Wednesday, but we will see how tomorrow goes in order to make that determination since Wednesday isthe fnal day for new material before a comprehensive review and the post-test + Tuesday, March 10" (Day 7 ~ Review) Lesson Reflection “Today was a big problem forthe students. They did not appear to understand tings nearly as wells they appeared to understand them yesterday. After some discussion with my cooperating teacher, | have decided to scrap the final day of new material tomorrow and spend the next two days doing a more comprehensive review and walkthrough ofthe already covered ‘material, The ambitious nature of the project from the stat seems to have caught up withthe students, and they hit abit of @walltoday with the minor keys, twas very difficult for @ lot of 30 them to answer anything about that matter o evento answer questions about the las few ays of material. When asked if they had questions they would just stare blankly at me. 'm ‘not sure f they even know how to ask the questions they might have, so we are taking bie step back tomorrow and starting from the beginning to review more extensively. This has been good lesson in knowing when to slow things down and nat push forward, The things | wanted to tak about tomorrow aren't belngassezzed on thair posttest anyways, so | am okay with taking things siower. | belleve they will better retain and apply the information inthis manner, and | elieve they will e more successful in the future given more time with the material. ‘continue the unit ate spring break and after the LAMP projec Is complete, because do tl ‘think these things are important even if they arent belng assessed on this one particular tet. | ama bit discouraged after today, and after the lack of urgency from the students In understanding the material, but tomorrow is a new day and llbe having a talk with the class about their mindset and their wllingness to participate In cass Future Adaptations Goodbye to Wednesdays lesson. I's time or a more in-depth review and more ‘opportunities for students to practice these sil in las with my supervision and guldance, {ty and be specific inthe daly plans for the next two days before the post-test to show exacty how we are reviewing the material = Wednesday, March 11” (Day 8 ~ Review) Lesson Reflection Today was very honest with the students atthe start of class regarding my lsappointment in their behavior lately, and | made my expectations forthe future as clear as possible. | didnot have any behavior or discipline isues today after that, andthe students were very attentive. | made sure to focus 2 lt of my questioning on those few students wha | know are stil struggling with the material, namely some clarinets and a trumpet player. | explained that because of yesterday we were going to skip over the last bit of material in order ‘to.doa very extensive review the next couple days before Friday's test. | slowed everything ‘down today, and made more time for student practice and answers. By the end of eas, It appeared that nearly everyone had made progress during the day, and students who usually s20m lst were beginning to offer answers to questions even without being prompted todo so. | think have mada the right choi in electing to review 20 thoroughly, and tomorrow | wil continue that process to ensure we are really on board with the writing of key signatures and ‘the minor key material sine today was prety much only review of the order of flats and sharps and recogncing key signatures. Future Adoptotions 40 ‘have developed a study guide to assist students at homein their preparations for Friday. They are not abe to take thelr class notebooks home, so | wanted to give them something to work with at home the night before te test. I was thorough in my creation ofthe fulde, and made sure to include examples and directions for althe tasks they wll need to fomplete on the tet. llinclude a copy ofthe study guide inthis project. Tomorrow we'l zo veri together in ass and use the second page to take notes and do examples in cass, Students wil also have the opportunity to meet wth me one-on-one to ask any questions ar receive remediation, We wil also do our las bit of listening practice, since that has consistently been the strongest area forthe students. After tomorrow Ido strongly believe they wil nave allthe tool they need tobe successful both onthe posttest and inthe future with this ‘material and the concepts covered by the un. ‘= Thursday, March 12" (Day 9~ Review) Lesson Reflection ‘After todays final review, feel alot better about where the students are, and feel that have given them al the best chance tobe successful on the test tomorrow. As we went through the study guide, as well as examples onthe board, | asked students to raise thelr hands and show me ona scale of 1-5 how they felt about each skill and process we went through. | reviewed with students until geting at least 3 out ofS from each student on each sil. During the listening practice we were just a succesful as onthe written review. loffered students the opportunity to take time atthe end of cass in order to ask me any ast minute questions, and no students took advantage of that chance, so believe they all feel confident about thelr abilities. Lasked them to study tonight, and to come back ready to succeed tomorrow, and !am confident in my students. The seals are also sounding great, and m pretty pumped up! Tomorrow is the big day. Future Adoptations ‘Since tomorrow is the test, the enly changes are minor ones tothe wording and ‘material on the test which is not being assessed, Iadded some words to the directions to make them clearer, and fixed some typos | found on the pre-test. also switched the questions for forder of sharpe and late acai had always talued about them in that order and didn't want to confuse anyone unnecessarily that was how they memorized them. The lst change tothe test was making treble clef version and a bass clef version, so that each student can focus on the content we covered rather than fret about things which aren’ being assessed, such as ‘writing and reading in acef not required by their instrument. While being abe to read bath Clef is advantageous, that snot what| am testing them over, | am looking forward to seeing the resus tomorrow, an finding aut how much | was really abe to teach the students, There

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