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Kolbilynn Blackburn

Mr. Leary
World History Honors
Aspirin should be considered the invention in history as in not only was a global
trademark, helped thousands with minor to severe pain, and the most versatile of
over counter medicine
Aspirin is a brand name coined by the Bayer Company of German. Created in
Germany March 6 , 1899. However, the German company lost the right to use the
name in many countries as the Allies took control and resold its foreign assets after
World War 1 in United States.
John Vane in 1971 proved that aspirin suppresses local hormones known as
Prostaglandins (produced in the body and have diverse effects in the body,
including but not limited to transmission of pain information to the brain,
modulation of the hypothalamic thermostat and inflammation). Plus thromboxanes
is responsible for blood clots, which causes heart attacks. Aspirin has reduced those
blood clots in small doses and is seen as an effective medical intervention.
Aspirin is an over the counter analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory that has
relieved many symptoms of the common flu, headaches, inflammatory, and coughs.
It also was used to help menstrual and labor pains.
It should be considered one of the most important invention in history as in not only
was a global trademark , helped thousands with minor to severe pain, and the most
versatile of over counter medicine.

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