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Rules and Regulations for Technology Use

In Mr. Pillas Classroom

Technology is a powerful and tremendous tool used in todays education that can grant students an enhanced educational experience if used properly. It has the
power to engage students in a way that will allow them to learn and grow with the world around them. If technology is misused and handled improperly, the
educational experience is then lost. To prevent this misuse from occurring, certain rules and regulations have been put in place to ensure all students handle
technology with the proper care. Please note that rules may be added over time. Students and parents/guardians will be notified of these changes via an additional
document to sign.

10 Rules and Regulations for the Use of Technology in the Classroom


All school policies apply.


All school technology policies, including the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) apply.


All students must be granted permission by the teacher to bring technological devices into the classroom, such as laptops, tablets,
etc. The teacher will keep written records of what devices are allowed. Students are permitted access to view these records.
Students are not permitted to alter these records in any way.


Students are permitted to have cell phones in the classroom. However, students may only use their cell phones when the teacher
requests it. Cell phones must be muted and stored away during times of inactivity.


When cell phones are in use, all cell phone activity done by students will be directed by the teacher. The cell phone must also be
connected to the school WI-FI. If any student is caught using their cell phone in any way not directed by the teacher, that student
will be asked to power off their cell phone.


Students are never allowed to access any video, pictures and/or media of any kind that displays pornography and/or violence.


The teacher is allowed to monitor what the student is doing on any technological device. Any student who refuses the teachers
request to see what they are doing will be asked to power off their device. If the student is using the device for anything unrelated
to school work, the student will be issued a warning. A second offense will result in the teacher asking the student to power down
their device.


Any picture taking, video recording, and/or audio recording of any kind must be permitted by the teacher for each individual
instance and be used for educational purposes. Any pictures, videos, or audio recordings taken during class hours are not permitted
to be uploaded on to the internet without teacher permission for each individual instance.


All devices with volume control must be muted. Devices may be unmuted if the teacher grants the student permission to use
headphones or the teacher asks the student to turn up the volume on the device.

10) The teacher will NEVER physically take away a students technological device, even as a form of punishment. I respect that the
device is your property.

Both the student and a parent/guardian of the student must sign this document in order to signify that each has read all of the rules stated. These signatures also
signify that both student and parent/guardian comprehend these rules and agree to fully comply with them. Failure to comply with these rules can and will result in
disciplinary action and/or lowering of the students overall grade. Also, if a student is unable to access required content because the teacher asked them to shut of
their device, an alternate assignment that does not include technology use will be assigned.

(Student Print Full Name)


(Student Signature)
(Parent/Guardian Print Full Name)
(Parent/Guardian Signature)


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