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The New F Bomb: Sexism, The Media and

Feminists Today


Sanice Arrington

Title Credit
*Secrets by Mary Lambert starts playing*
Description of purpose of documentary
This documentary will explore sexism throughout
the media
And the efforts feminists make to combat this
Sexism and Feminism defined
*Definitions are rolled on screen*
Excerpt from article

Comment ed [SG1]: Add a title

Comment ed [SG2]: How does the song relate to the
topic. Some people may not know the song.

Feminism doesnt make women victims. Sexism

Section One: How Sexism Victimizes Women
Compilation of videos
Inappropriate jokes
Belittling rape
Over sexualizing and objectifying women
This objectification occurs in other media forms as well
Roll article headlines

Section Two: Where else is Sexism fFound?

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Comment ed [SG3]: Maybe roll other examples of the

different forms of media where objectification occurs or
maybe thats what you mean by roll article headlines. If
so, be more specific.
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Compilation of videos
TV Shows
Section Three: Women Experience Sexism Daily (Thought
Provoking Statistics)
*Change in music*
Multiple statistics rolled on screen with accompanying

Section Four: Student Interviews

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Comment ed [SG4]: Instead of saying thought
provoking statistic, you could actually put in the
Comment ed [SG5]: What song?
Comment ed [SG6]: What statistics? Are they
overwhelming to the reader? How are the statistics
relevant; why should my reader care? (just some
questions to think about)
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Random students asked questions

What is sexism to you?
How are women portrayed in the media today?
What is feminism to you?
Section Five: How Does Feminism Help Combat Sexism

Comment ed [SG7]: Answers? Male or female student?

Does their gender matter?
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Roll clips from shows in which female characters take

a stand against sexism
Feminism is good for men too
Examples of men taking a stand for women
Section Six: Demand better Media in 2015

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Compilation of media clips exemplifying bad media

Why we should demand better media?
Whom does the bad media affect?
Celebrities who take a stand against sexism

Comment ed [SG8]: Possibly add some examples of

good media and argue why they are not as publicized as
the bad media.

Compilation of different celebrities who fought

back against sexist comments made towards them
How we can rid feminism of its stigma
Ending Credits: Sources
*music playing*

Overall this was a very good first draft. I think the script idea is very creative. Try to be a bit more specific
and consider that the reader may be completely ignorant about your topic, For example, Ive never heard
Secrets by Mary Lambert, so I didnt know the significance of her song.

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Comment ed [SG9]: What song & how does it relate to
your topic

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