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Philosophy of Education

Teaching should be very flexible and involve some constructivist learning as well as progressive
learning. Activating prior knowledge while teaching new concepts is very important in order for students to
actively connect and understand the new material. I have learned the importance of learning by doing. I believe
students retain more knowledge by applying what they learn. Hands-on and experiential learning will be very
helpful in a science class in order to engage students. I believe it is very important to maximize students
engagement in the classroom. In order to do this I will promote cooperative learning and plenty of group work,
which will also help develop their social skills. I want to help student reach their goals and encourage a positive
future. So in my classroom I will incorporate plenty of critical thinking and have students make connections
between lessons and their daily lives. I want each student to have the opportunity to be successful in my content
area. I believe that everyone retains and understands information differently. As I learn more about each
individual person and build a strong relationship with each and one of them, I will adjust my lesson plans to fit
them and their learning styles. I want to build a positive learning environment where I meet students individual
needs and encourage students to do better and express themselves. In order to do this I will make sure to be
aware of the community I teach in and where my students come from. I have developed over the past semester
to better understand the importance of culture in the classroom.
Through the course of developing as a teacher I have learned and understood the importance of being
professional and the role we play as a teacher. In order to build a community within my classroom and outside,
with students, parents and colleagues, I will become aware of my values and my goals for myself and for my
students. Interpersonal awareness, suspending judgment, control and asset based thinking are key to creating
and building strong relationships with the students, parent and colleges.
Creating a positive community in my classroom will consist of getting to know my students as
individuals, being consistent with rules regarding respect, making connections between the content and my
students lives and most importantly helping them learn lifelong skills through application of their knowledge.

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