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"black hands grab the ball. black feet kick the ball." REPETITION, ANAPHORA.
emphasis' his skin tone and his insecurity of his race
The repetition of black implies that he belongs to that group
"You can piss off, too, before I call the cops. They'll cool you down, you smart black bastard." colloquial,
inclusive and invective
Enforces the fact that individuals are discriminated for their skin tone within that society
They don't belong in a society that is dominated by white men

Black hands grab the ball. Black feet kick the ball.




Black hands grab the ball. Black

Repetition, anaphora

Emphasises his skin tone and his

feet kick the ball.

insecurity of his race. The

significance of the repetition
black implies that he belongs to

You mongrel black bastard, Im

Vulgar, colloquial, inclusive,

that group.
Builds the character through such

going to make you and your

invective language and diction.

informal language and shows the

fucking brother jump.

personality as well as be able to

visualise the persons appearance
through the dialogue. Enforces the
fact that individuals are
discriminated from their skin tone
within that society. Also outlines
that fact of how they dont belong
in a society that is dominated

A watery sun struggles up over

Alliteration, metaphor/figurative

amongst white me.

The two most contradictory

the hills and reflects in the orange

language, imagery,

phrases watery sun expresses

puddles that dot the camp.


the idea of the irony of the sun

personification, irony, symbolism,

struggling and experiencing


emotions such as depression or

hyperbole and analogy.

tiredness. The sentence also

describes how the protagonists
emotions are mutual towards
nature and how nature is reacting
to emphasise and exaggerate the

experience he is going through.

Giving us an understanding of the
hidden context of how the nature
around him belong towards his
feelings as they react.
Ya couldnt come back for ya
Dads funeral, but unna?


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