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This plan earned 3 out of 3 marks

The purpose of this investigation is to answer the question of whether the bombings of Dresden,
Germany in 1945 were justifiable considering the event's emotional impact on the people
present in the city when the attack occurred. The main body of evidence will investigate what
events lead up to the bombings, and why the city was targeted. Evidence will include
eyewitness accounts of the bombings and sources such as journal articles and speeches from the
time. Documents will be analyzed in regards to their origin, purpose, value, and limitations in
order to properly evaluate the evidence. Documents include a book containing government
records of the orders given to British and American commanders as well as an eyewitness
account of the bombings written by British prisoner of war in Dresden during the bombings. An
analysis of these documents as well as the summary of evidence will be used to formulate a
conclusion stating whether the bombings were, or were not, justifiable.
The first line (in red) is clearly focused. I know exactly what the subject of the investigation is
going to focus on.
The plan is well lined out, which informs the reader how the author will explore his subject.
This plan earned 3 out of 3 marks.
The purpose of this investigation is to establish the extent to which the gulags, over time,
evolved into a separate civilization within Russia. The main body of the investigation focuses
on how the gulags differed from classical prisons. The gulags of the Soviet Union were unique
in the fact that they housed prisoners of diverse origins and this bred a completely unique
civilization- having their own laws, hierarchy, and literature. The background on the prisoners
sent to live in the gulags, and Stalin's original plan for the gulags will also be analyzed. Finally
two of the sources used in this paper, Gulag: A History and Gulag Archipelago, will be
evaluated according to their purpose, value, and limitations.
The first line (in red) is clearly focused. I know exactly what the subject of the investigation is
going to focus on.
The yellowed highlighted sentence is appropriate, informing the reader as to what sources will
be evaluated for their effectiveness during the research process.

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