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A noun is often defined as a word which

names a person, place, or thing.

Categories of Noun
Concrete noun

common noun
proper noun
material noun
collective noun

Abstract noun

some examples of
Proper nouns are : Mexico, John F. Kennedy, Atlantic Ocean,

February, Monday, New York City, Susan, Maple Street,

Burger King.
Common nouns are : bears, cars, butter, nose, feet, and school.
Collective nouns are: class, society, team, family, and army.
Material nouns are : gold, silver, oil, gas.
Abstract nouns are : sympathy, curiosity, tyranny, love,

and patience.

Countable and
uncountable nouns
Countable (or count) nouns are common

nouns which can be counted or can be shown

with a number. They have a singular form and a
plural form.
Uncountable (or non-count) nouns are nouns
which cannot be counted. Therefore, they only
have a singular form. They have no plural forms.
These words are thought of as wholes rather
than as parts. They usually refer to abstractions
(such as confidence or advice) or collectives
(such as equipment or luggage).

Countable nouns
Countable nouns (regular form) become plural

by adding
es at the end of the word ended by -s, -x, -ch, -sh,

-o, -consonant-y (y becomes i)

s at the end of the other words

girl girls
bus -buses
cat cats
box- boxes
dog dogs
match- matches
toy toys
potato- potatoes
pear pears
Party- parties

Countable nouns (irregular form)

become plural
as in the following list:
child children

foot feet
goose geese
man men
mouse mice
ox oxen
person people
tooth teeth
woman women

knife knives

thief thieves
wife wives
analysis analyses
bacterium bacteria
criterion criteria
datum data

Uncountable nouns
poetry, weather, luggage

equipment, furniture
experience, photography
traffic, money, homework
advice, beauty,
knowledge, basketball,
boating, dancing, golf,
swimming, air,
aluminium, coal,
dust,ice, leather,
metal, oxygen,

beer, flour, meat, milk

rice, sugar, tea. water

It is possible to count

un if the substance is
placed in countable
A cup of coffee
Two cups of coffee
A tin of oil
Three tins of oil

Determiners used
with cn or un
With cn

With un

a (an), the, some, any

this, that, these, those

the, some, any

this, that

none, one, two, three



a lot of
a large/great number of
(a) few

a lot of
a large amount of
(a) little

fewer than
more than

less than
more than


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