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Parrett 1 ‘Trevor Parrett Dr. Werner en Ish U3 13 Jaiuary 2015 What do fiction, sports journals, movie scripts, newspapers, and science fiction all have in common? They all are examples of text that is not academic in nature. These forms of media are not based on tested research that is backed up by fact and discovery as academic writing is. Generally, academic writing can be defined asthe organization and composition of fects and kin extent & 20h, thoughts ina clear, concise, and professional manner, typically used topic the purview of a <2 2 novel idea. Ths art form is arguable, but reproducible, Ii intense, yet informative. In many i + ways, academic writing is sienna departments ort Hope's-campisr P ‘When I hear “academic,” I think, “higher education.” From a broad standpoint, this ‘means post high school. In the context of academic writing, this makes sense! Eleventh graders do not write primary, critically critiqued literature. Oftentimes, itis the professors and those with a doctorate who have the knowledge and resources to produce such work. These works include, but are not limited to, academic journals, essays, abstracts, book reports, and disserationl These modes of writing have one main thing in common: they all aim to communicate brilliant findings in a clear and comprehensible, yet academic, fashion. That was the goal of my report that I had to write for Introduction to Biology Lab IMMy group and I were expected to convey our results ofa stomata density experiment in a clear, and concise way. For this report, we divided the text Riek. aero Tet Parrett 2 thee, all viewpoints ave considereel. Tig tite, Lae ven and allow reine the reader & yon so calerstendig Academic writing can be ancillary to previous findings or can report a new di covery. With the vicissitudGof life, there will always be new explorations and innovations. Academic ‘writing allows for a mode by which this information can be presented to reveal findings pragmatic and direct style, Pundits aim to eliminate folderol and tangents. Where fiction authors aimif to write with panache, academic literature is written conservatively. Where sports journals wos “i enjoy focusing on one player, academic ligature must coverall the facts, Aeaelemie que epuinent 4 nofhiny ele. If serves iA oun needvand His Tie uit angie’. Academic writing largely works to complete one sn Ltn They work diligently and precisely to obtain accurate information. Coupled with a area s previous knowledge, these facts are presented in text with the objective to renew the mind, enrich the disciplines, and transform the culture to some extent. Information is presented so that people consider an idea in a new light. An academic text can be thought of as a puzzle piece. Researchers in all fields try to find a fit for their individual pieces until all the pieces connect to forma Some ng cue Asthe puzzle ee, ete, the disciplines are enriched. Upon completionythe mind can be renewed, and the existing culture can be transformed. ‘Word Count: 497

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