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Miranda Petty

ENGL 363 Proposal Pre-Writing

1. Significance
2. Methods
3. Objectives
1. Importance in Greek culture/religion
2. Why the cause of the Pythias hallucinations should be studied further.
Previous Research
1. Piccardi Findings
2. De Boer Findings
1. Map Delphi Region
2. Attempt to replicate findings of De Boer et al.
3. Investigate the presence of other hydrothermal gases.
Future Research
1. Investigate carbon dioxide/methane exhalation hypothesis if methane and carbon dioxide
levels are found to be high.
2. If neither ethylene nor methane are present, investigate benzene.
1. Geological survey of Delphi region and remapping of faults.
2. Measure methane presence using Lasermethane SA3CO6A
3. Measure methane exhalations from the soil using closed-chamber gas method
a. Why this method is preferred.
4. Ethylene methods will be quantified using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.
5. X-ray diffractometry will be used to determine previous levels of methane in the Kerna
and Kastalia springs.
Broader Impacts
1. Increase diversity in science
2. Increase tourism to Greece.
3. Improve knowledge of potential neurotoxic effects of living in a seismically active
a. Taking steps to make the area safer.
Biological Sketch
1. General information (name, school, etc.)
2. Intellectual interests.
3. Research experience.
4. Anticipated graduation date.

Rough Plan:
The Pythia of the Oracle at Delphi delivered cryptic prophecies that were central to Greek
culture and religion. However, the cause of her prophetic hallucinations is presently unknown.
The current study will investigate the presence of hydrothermal gases, such as ethylene and
methane, which can cause neurotoxic symptoms. A geological survey of the Delphi region will
be completed to map the faults in this area. Geochemical properties of the soil and water in and
around the Temple of Apollo will be assessed using a methane laser sensor, closed-chamber gas
detection, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and x-ray diffractometry.
1. The Oracle of Delphi was extremely important in ancient Greek religion & Culture
a. Greeks made pligramage to the Oracle to seek advice from Apollo, which was
prophesized by Pythia
b. Definition of Pythia: A female, usually of high birth, who was chosen to act as a
priestess of prophet (will need to go further into deail).
c. Prophesies of Pythia were used to make important decisions regarding warfare,
agriculture, and political appointments (site online article).
2. Understanding the cause of Pythias hallucinogenic prophecies can deepen historical and
anthropological understanding of an important aspect of Greek culture & religion.
3. Findings will also help us to understand more about the ways in which tectonic activity
have affected the geological and geochemical makeup of the Delphi region.
Previous Research:
1. Plutarcha Greek historical writer and biographer who served as a priest in the Temple
of Apollo. Wrote in On the Obsolescence of the Oracles that Pythias trance-like state
was caused by vapors being released from a crack below where she sat.
2. Piccardi (2000)the chasm that Plutarch spoke of were the result of an E-W fault in the
Golf of Corinth Rith that passes below the shrine of Athena, which is positioned
approximately 500 meters east of the Temple of Apollo, where Pythia resided.
a. Suggested that gas emissions and travertine deposits may be related to
hydrothermal activity.
3. DeBour et al. (2001)Discovered the NNW-SSE Kerna Fault, which they suggest
intersects with the Delphi fault directly below the Temple of Appolo
a. Detected miniscule amounts of ethylene in spring water from the Kerna fault.
Objectives of Current Study:
4. The current study seeks to review the presence and location of fault traces in the Delphi
region while also conducting a more thorough gas-geochemical study. We will utilize a
variety of geochemical methods to determine the nature of the gasses being discharged
from the faults and rocks of this region.
5. To investigate gaseous causes of Pythias trance-like state, which was believed to induce
prophetic abilities.
6. Map geological faults that exist in the Delphi area.
7. Try to replicate previous findings by de Bour, which imply that ethylene induced
Pythias manic psychological state

a. Excessive amounts of ethylenequantities much higher than what is naturally

found in naturewould be required to induce neurotoxic effects, we hypothesize
that ethylene was not the cause of Pythias psychological state.
8. Explore other chemicals being released in the Temple of Apollo that could have
neurotoxic effects.
a. We hypothesize that emission of methane mixed with carbon dioxide is the actual
b. This particular environment is prone to methane formation due to the tectonic
c. We suspect that methane emission could have been higher in the past.
9. Long-term objects of the current study are to investigate the cause of the sweet-smelling
odor that was reported by Greek historical authors. We suspect that Benzene, an aromatic
hydrocarbon that can persist in spring water supplies for extensive periods of time, may
play a role. Short-term exposure to Benzene can cause loss of consciousness, fluctuations
in emotion, decreased vision, and reduced respiratory capabilities.
1. The position of Kerna fault will reexamined by surveying the location of the 5 springs
located along this fault. These results will be compared to the geolofical map of the
Delphi area created by Zachos (1964) and modified by Piccardi (2000). We will further
modify Piccardis map according to our findings, as needed.
2. Methane (CH4) anomalies will be detected using the Lasermethane SA3C06A, created by
Tokyo Gas Engineering and Anristsu Corp. This portable laser sensor, which uses
infrared laser beam and wavelength modulation absorption spectroscopy to detect
methane anomalies in the air, accurately quantifies methane concentrations as diminutive
as two points per million by volume.
a. The portable laser sensor will be used to scan the Adytonthe site where Pythia
communicated prophetic messagesthe outside of the Temple of Apollo, below
the foundation of the temple, the Kerna and Delphi fault traces, the Kerna and
Kastalia springs, and the travertine deposits. The laser is capable of scanning
dozens of meters at once. Previous research identified values < .05 mg m-2 d-1 as
indicative of significant methane seepage (Sass, Fisher, & Wang, 1992).
3. Weak and diffuse methane exhalations can be released from the soil without creating
methane anomalies in the atmosphere. These methane exhalations can be indicative of
previous large-scale methane emissions. To measure weak and diffuse exhalations of
methane from the soil, we will use the close-chamber method. Close-chamber gas-flux
methods contain an infrared gas analyzer that estimates the respiration of CO4 from the
soil (Mign et al., 2002). This method is commonly used in microseepage studies of CH4
fluxes across various terrains (e.g., Etiope et al., 2004).
a. Twelve measurements will be collected using the close-chamber method in the
Temple of Apollo, Kerna spring, Kastilia spring, and Adyton.
b. The air sampled from the chamber will be analyzed for methane using gas
chromatograh with FID detector.
c. Methane flux values greater than 0 mg m-2 d-1 are indicative of significant gas

4. We will perform an analysis of dissolved gaseous particles from Kerna and Kastalia
springs. We will analyze samples for C1, C2, C2H4, C3, iC4, nC4, iC5, nC5, C6+, He,
H2, Ar, O2, CO2, CO, and H2S. Gas levels will be quantified using gas chromatography
and mass spectrometry. Gas chromatography is commonly used to discriminate chemical
compounds in a liquid sample
( This method is
especially effective when the sample has various chemical compounds present, as is
anticipated will be the case for both samples taken from Kerna and Kastalia springs.
5. X-ray diffractometry will be used to analyze the structure of CaCO3 molecules. Analysis
of these structures will reveal whether the substance formed as the result of precipitation
or methane oxidation. This information will help to determine previous levels of methane
in the Kerna and Kastalia springs.
Broader Impacts:
1. Our research team consists of a diverse group of scientists from various ethnic and
socioeconomic backgrounds.
a. As a research team, we are dedicated to increasing diversity in the field of
science. Because of this, we are making an effort to include scientists and students
from various backgrounds in this study. There are various female doctoral
students and undergraduate interns who will be participating in all aspects of this
study, including the geological surveying of the Temple of Apollo and
surrounding areas, the chemical analyses of water and soil samples taken from
Kerna springs, Kastalia springs, and the grounds surrounding the temple of
Apollo, and toxicological reports that will reveal potential adverse effects of the
chemical compounds found in the Delphi area. Furthermore, seven students from
the University of Louisville Inclusivity in Science (IS) program will spend a
summer semester participating in this research project. IS is committed to helping
underrepresented students become involved in the fields of science, engineering,
technology, and mathematics.
Biographical Sketch
Miranda Petty is a junior majoring in psychology at California State University, Fullerton. Her intellectual
interests include cognitive psychology, mathematical modeling, computer programming, legal
psychology, and research design. She is currently conducting an independent project that investigates the
effects of emotions on the processing of deceptive information. The goal of this study is to understand
how happiness, sadness, and anger influence our ability to discriminate truthful from deceptive messages.
Her academic training includes courses in Advanced Statistics, Multivariate Statistics, Learning and
Memory, Geology, Research Design, and Biology. She expects to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree
in the spring of 2016.

1. Reiterate significance
2. Reiterate goals of the PI

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