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isaiah 65.18-25 revisited for my neighborhood by Rebecca Joy Sumner . Be glad and rejoice forever in what | am creating; For | am about to create as a joy, and its people as a delight. ‘iy Nosghborhood No more shall be heard in it. depressing sound In my neighborhood No more shall it happen that 'a common tragedy in your neighborhood or ‘another common tragedy in your neighborhood They shall and what would prosperity and security look lke in your neighborhood? what would food security or nourishment look like in your neighborhood? and ‘a predicve sentence about the goods produced in your neighborhood staying in your neighborhood (Iteral or metaphorical) The people of shall be a people blessed by the Lord. My Neighborhood The ‘one group thal siands against another In your neighborhood andthe Shall feast together, the group they stand against the shall 'a predatory corporalion or organization in your neighborhood what would a peace-making service look lke for that corporation? No longer will anyone bring harm, injustice, division, or destruction to , Says the Lord My neighborhood

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