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Diksha Kumar

Christine Staco
UWRT 1103-020
Final Reflection
Overall for this course a lot of the work assigned was to help us see different generas and
styles of writing. It also introduced many ideas that never occurred to me before such as GMOs
or the objectification of women. Reading each article and link we were supposed to read helped
me understand the lectures better. It was a great way to introduce the upcoming lecture and there
were many times that I went back to a link or article to double check, or to confirm a suspicion I
had. I especially enjoyed writing the day book assignments and then going over our opinions
either in our small group or with the entire class.
Honestly any project that involved collaborating with our groups were my favorite. I think the
best one had to be either the Food project, where we had to come up with a vegan dish that
would appeal to the targeted demographic of a restaurant, and then present our dish to the class,
or doing the collaborative inquiry project. With the food project I learned a lot about vegan
dishes and the price range for each item needed to make a specific dish. I also learned how to
make a presentation aiming for a specific audience, in this case it was towards the staff of that
specific dining area. We used the exact prices of foods that were organic and could be found in a
supermarket and we also calculated the gross income from each dish served. Overall we tried to
persuade the staff into agreeing with our group and selling a vegan dish, one that was not on their
menu before. Doing the CIP I learned a lot about the varying viewpoint of the sever
objectification of women and how it affects everyone involved, not just the women. I also
learned how objectification can lead to rape culture and body shamming, and how raising
children to believe that boys will be boys is such a toxic saying. Because not only does that
saying excuse the wrongful actions of boys, but it also leads girls to believe that they are an
object and anything bad that happens to them was probably because they were asking for it. This
also makes boys seem like there are all ticking time bombs and dehumanizes each one of them
by saying that they cannot control themselves.
Overall this class was very helpful and Im glad that I was able to take it and learn so much
about writing that I never knew about before. It also opened up eyes to a lot of topics that I never
really thought to discuss or look into.

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