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Reagan Brown

Meaghan Rand
UWRT 1102
3 February 2015
A Learning Process Assignment 3
At a young age my perspective was shaped by the opinion of others around me. At a
young age to an extent, I almost didnt know any better. When I was five years old, I didnt think
anything of Ryans speech impediment. My perspective on his speech was that it was normal; my
perspective was that he was learning at the same rate as kids his age. In a broader sense, aside
from his speech, I also thought that his slow development with respect with his ability to balance,
walk on his own, and ride a bike was also normal. My perspective didnt start to change until
one of my friends innocently asked me what was wrong with Ryans voice. At a young age, they
themselves didnt know the internal conflict that this simple question left me to face. Overtime,
as I grew and matured, my perspective again started to change as I began to realize how
insignificant the opinion of others in regards to my brother were to me. I no longer cared by the
time I got to high school and grew close to Ryan how others viewed his speech impediment.
As I mentioned, my perspective started to change as I grew and matured. When I was
young I was more worried about how people viewed me because of my brother above anything
else. My perspective also began to shift when other people also grew and matured and had a
better understanding of Ryans slower development in speech.
This perspective became different from Ryans because he himself didnt think anything
of his speech impediment. My perspective was different from his because I was embarrassed of
his slow development and he embraced it. He didnt think twice when my friends asked what
was wrong with his voice; he was indifferent about it. I, on the other hand, was opposite from
indifferent about it throughout elementary and middle school.

This historical analysis makes me realize I could add a little more background detail in
certain areas. At times throughout the paper, I was telling the story as if my reader already knew
Ryans background. I could add more detail about him growing up. It makes me consider my
conflict differently because of how I reacted when I was little is completely different from how I
would react now I no longer would be embarrassed about it.

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