Sample Letter To Principle

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Jessica Rodenkirk

123 Anywhere Street

Phoenix, AZ 85016
(602) 555-5555
March 10, 2015
John Smith, Principal
ABC Middle School
456 Overhere Street
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Dear Mr. Smith:
I am currently finishing my last year at Arizona State University through the SUNS
Central iTeach AZ senior year residency at Central High School. SUNS Central provides
ASU students with ongoing professional development and onsite mentoring for an entire
school year. Through this program, I have had the opportunity to grow with my students
through one-on-one mentoring with my Mentor Teacher and ASU Site Coordinator. This
personal development has allowed me to hone my skills and pedagogy while getting
daily, weekly and quarterly feedback from the students in my classroom. This has
allowed me to constantly analyze and adjust my teaching methods.
In addition to my experience through SUNS Central, I am also a recipient of the SEED
Grant for STEM teachers. This grant has given me the opportunity to attend four all-day
workshops to-date that deal specifically with the implementation of STEM investigations
in the classroom.
I would very much appreciate the opportunity to schedule a time I may meet with you in
person to discuss my qualifications for the open science position at ABC Middle School.
You may reach me anytime at (602) 555-5555.
Thank you,

Jessica Rodenkirk

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