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A city at dawn

As the very first rays of the sun fall on the sleeping giant of a city, it stirs .
Stubborn . Resisting the urge of curiosity to solve the puzzle of day.But as the
persistent rays continue to persuade and coax, the will of the city begins to
crumble. Smoke from the chimneys clouds the sky when womenfolk ignite the
fire to roast the beef or heat the milk on a cold winter dawn. The children
peep from one eye and sneak into the kitchen following the delicious wift of
hot food while the men of the house await the delicacies patiently on the
breakfast table with 'The Daily Post' in hand and an air of superiority .

1.He was punished because he had done the mischief.
2. Since she has worked hard she will win the prize.
3. As soon as the bell rang ,they went home.
4.Hemant is more intelligent than Shivani.
5.Ask his son whether he has eturned from Patna.

6.He had left home before the guests arrived.

7. Besides a poet, Tagore was also a painter.
8.It was very dark, so they could hardly see their way.
9.Neera is as intelligent as Meera.
10.Can you tell me why you were absent yesterday?

1.I have reconciled myself TO my lot .
2.Lata is too miserly to part WITH money.
3.He has resigned himself TO his fate.
4.The thief is charged WITH murder.
5.Parents must provide FOR their children.
1.The principal will punish him if he sees him.
2,By June, I would have been here 2 years.
3.Listen i think the telephone rang.
4. He always comes late.
5.I said he does the work in time.

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