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BTEC Unit 13 (P3, M2)

Name: tom fowden

Unit 13 House Styles & Interactive Components


Background: black

Heading: white with rugby ball logo

Sub-Heading: white
Normal Text: yellow
Footer: different logos

Heading: bold and white

Sub-Heading: white with line around it

Normal Text: yellow
Footer: logo

Heading: big
Sub-Heading: bold and white
Normal Text: extra
Footer: LOGOS

How will you ensure that colour schemes and page styles will remain
consistent throughout the website? (M2)

On my template I will make sure my background will be black

and my heading will be bold and white ,plus having a logos at
the bottom

How interactive components will be used and how will it make it easier
for users to navigate? (M2)

I am going to use form will be clear and simple for the
user to use to fill in. plus Im going to ensure that the
info. Entered has user friendly instructions to avoid
mistakes and completions
Google maps
Im going to used google maps to make sure my
navigation was accurate

BTEC Unit 13 (P3, M2)

Name: tom fowden

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