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Thomas Ho

Professor Charlotte Howe

English 1010
April 29, 2015
Reflection of English 1010
When I web registered for this English 1010 class I was in luck. Surprised showing up that this
class was about food; I was excited because the degree I'm finishing at SLCC is Culinary Arts. This
motivated me and allowed me to enjoy this class because it is about food. I learned in the beginning the
different writing styles and grammar. I enjoyed writing my papers for this class mainly about food and
about food articles. The side dishes for the learning buffet was also enjoyable because they were all food
The most favorite papers that I wrote in this class were recipe memoir and memorable meal.
Memorable meal paper was very fun and I learned how to describe food on a paper. This would help me
later on if I was to describe my food on a magazine or on a TV show. I pushed myself to try to describe
how the food tasted and smelled. I had an advantage because I know a lot more about food then most of
the other classmates, which pushed me to describe the dishes as if they were me cooking them. I also
enjoyed writing the recipe memoir, because it was a fun part of my culinary adventure. I described about
my journey down at UVU attending the competition.
Overall I enjoyed this class a lot, and actually enjoyed writing my papers. My previous writing
classes assigned us boring papers to write about. I wrote papers in this class where I could actually
relate to and enjoy. Learning under Professor Charlotte Howe was very exciting because she interacted
with the students in a fun way. The fun way was interacting with the students around us and having
group assignments. Whereas other writing classes were lectures and listening to the professor for the
whole class duration.

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