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How does the audience of TBBT gain pleasure from watching

the programme?
The Big Bang Theory is a series based on a group of geniuses who contains
high knowledge however they lack in the social side of their life. They are known
as nerds which is stereotypically made to be the outcasts in many occasions
but in The Big Bang Theory, the situation is reversed making everyone else the
laughing stock (because they would not understand what the main cast is
saying as the group uses more advanced scientific explanations and vocabulary).
Penny represents everyone else due to the fact that she is the dumber one in the
group which portrays the stereotype of the typical pretty but dumb blonde. She
usually wouldnt understand the groups way of thinking however she is friendly,
kind and socially adaptable therefore filling in for the other casts flaws. The
audience is able to gain pleasure from this as the show voices out for those who
have been in similar situations where they felt like the underdog, it contains
storylines that the audience can relate to in some point of their lives therefore
allowing them to sympathise/empathise more to the scenes and this makes the
hidden side jokes more understandable yet funny as it states the truth. The cast
makes the concept of nerdy into something more quirky, goofy yet adorable to
watch and this attracts attention because we have come to know all the
characters well (due to interest) making them almost seem like our own friends
due to their distinct personalities. We can tell each character apart as each
contains a different role in the show and this is what maintains the viewers
because there are no similar characters that compete against each other and
make it boring due to the repetitive acts/ actions. The show is different to the
other shows on the channel as it contains more unique characters rather than
having a series based on a group of attractive people. The Big Bang Theory uses
a more refreshing cast as they all represent different characteristics that usually
can be marginalised. For example, Howard is shorter than the average height
allowing jokes about it to shoot his way and Rajj is the only foreigner making him
prone to getting racist remarks etc. The show can be boundless as science
evolves around everything, this makes the possibilities of the series to be
endless as they have multiple subjects to discuss and base each episode upon.
The audience likes the fact that the series doesnt end because if they enjoy the
show, they would want to continue watching on and on. If the series was ended,
they would have felt somehow empty because the show would originally be part
of their routine, to watch it every day at 6pm. Therefore the infinite possibilities
are anticipated.

Maria Ha Media Class 11 C Cover Lesson Big Bang Theory Behind The Scenes

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