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/ Mi Coe hk a7 JIGEE G enn Thumb Club 3.1 wre d. When you print yours highlight your part Ben: Its been a good day. Lets leave before the thumb fights start up. | dont want to run into a Capulet. Mer: Dude, you're a wimp, you're like the the guy who starts a fight and when he starts to lose shouts “Just kidding!” and backs off. Ben: Hey, I'm not like that Mer: You start fights over the pettiest things. Just yesterday | heard you threatening your mirror because your reflection was too ugly! Ben: | wont waste my time fighting and quarreling like you all day. Mer: So? I'd rather fight a Capulet than listen to you drone on some more. Tyb: Hey, can have a word with you guys? Mer: You want a word? What about a blow too? Tyb: | don't wanna fight but i will if have too Mer: You call yourself The Prince of cats? More like The Prince of Pussy Cats. Tyb: Do you know where Romeo is? Mer: Know where he is? Who am I? His nanny? If so, consider this my cane! (Draws Thumb) Ben:Mercutio, if you must fight do it in a private place. Mens eyes arent meant to see this. Mer: Men's eyes were meant to see things, so let them gaze upon my deathbringer! (Brandishes Thumb and knocks aside Benvolio) Romeo Enters Tyb: Well have a good day sir here comes my main man Romeo. ‘Mer: Why fight him when you could take me? Bruh, he doesn't even lift. You're lucky Benny boy here is holding me back you! (Pretends he’s being held back) Tyb: Romeo | bite my thumb at you ! (Everyone Gasps) Rom: | have no business with you, | just want our two families to get along! | love you like a good ‘cousin! Tyb: I hate you like a bad cousin! | just want you to die! (Draws Thumb) Mer. | have a couple cousins ! wouldn't mind offing myself. Rom: Can we just lay down our thumbs and talk like civilized people? Mer: (Aside to Romeo) What's gotten into you Romeo? I called him The Prince of Pussies, and yet you back down? You're just shaming us all! Mer Tybalt, you mil-drinking, mouse catching, bell-wearing villain! Tyb: I don't care what you say 'm still going to kill you ! Mer: | wish to take one of your nine lives! And depending on how easily you fall, | might just steal the other eight as welll ‘Tyb: What do you want from me? Rom: No! Don't fight Mercutio! (Tybalt and Mercutio lock hands) Ben: Ok, gentlemen, the rules are as follows First rule of Thumb club, you do not talk about thumb club ‘Second rule of thumb club, you do not talk about thumb club Mer: Enough Benvolio! Ben: Proceed to count down! Tyb: (Growls) ‘Tyb: One two three four, | declare a thumb war! Mer: Five six seven eight (pause) | use this hand to mastrbate. Ben: You disgusting character... Mer and Tyb: Nine ten lets begin! (Fighting) Ben: (shouting) Go Mercutio! (Fighting) Rom: (shouting) Ooooh, ouch! (Fighting) Ben: (shouting) Holy censored word! (Mercutio works Tybalt into a pin and counts down to 3) Rom: (wait for the 3) Enough! Stop fighting. (Grabs Mercutio's arm and in that second Tybalt escapes and pins Mercutio) ‘Tyb: 123456789 10! Pinned! (Mercutio falls to the ground, dying) Mer: A plague on both your houses! Ben: Are you hurt? Mer: Tis but a scratch! But it wll be enough to kill me! A plague on both your houses! Rom: Chill man! itll be okay! You only lost a thumb wrestling match! Mer: It was more than just a thumb wrestling match! The lost cuts more than just my nail, it cuts my heart too! | will die, all because of you! | had him pinned and I let him go because of you! You are the reason | will die! A plague on both your houses! (Crumples) Rom: I, |, 'm sorry. (Cries) Rom: You killed my Friend Mercutio! I'm sorry Juliet but Tybalt is as good as DEAD! Ben: Romeo, The great Mercutio was killed by that bastard Tybalt! Tybalt is running away now! What a coward! Rom: He's mine next time I get my hands on him. fpehece. Spear ‘devil Rom: You have the guts to come back here after killing my friend? Come here so you can meet him in the graveyard! ‘Tyb: You want to fight me? HA! You wouldn't last ten seconds with me! Just go cry over your little weak friend. Rom: Come here you little prick! I'll wrestle you right now! Bey: @o back) There's no use wasting risking your life for him! Just get away gorhething you don't want happens. — Rom: Don't worry this will be over in a minute. Tybalt can't beat me. (Tybalt & Romeo Fight) Ben: Romeo get out of here now! (Pulls and throws Romeo telling him to run) You know the cops will throw you in prison if they know you fought again! Oh no, here they come! Romeo get out of here now! (Cops run on stage) Cops: FREEZE! STOP RUNNING! (Cop grabs Benvolio from the back) Cops: (Looking at Benvolio) What happened here? | swear to god you better tell me or you will never see the light of day again! Benvolio: Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo was not happy and killed that sorry piece of trash. Cops: Where was the fight?!7! Tell me now! Ben: First rule of thumb club, You never speak of thumb club! Cops: This is no time for your stupid club rules! two men are dead and you are just going to. say nothing?!?! Ben: Second rule of thumb club, Never speak of thumb club. Cops: Alright looks like we are getting nothing out of you. (Cop takes Benvolio away like he is handcuffed)

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