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Highly educated faculty which helps in gaining thorough knowledge of subject.

art from core subjects of civil engineering, there is also choice in 1 or more s
ubjects. Teaching methodology involves using slides, videos, field visits along
with traditional. Professor accessibility is also good for those who live in-cam
pus however professors not living in campus are not accessible.
There is no tie up with foreign universities regarding exchange programs. Hence
no visits of exchange students. Language of teaching is english or hindi. This r
esults in low exposure as interaction with peer is very limited.
Classrooms are of good quality. Labs well equipped with instruments, Library is
not very good. WiFi is slow in hostels for first 3 years but excellent for final
year hostel. Campus is in urban area so connectivity is good. Transportation is
easily available from college gate.
Clubs are student driven but there is problem of low participation and lack of f
unding from administration. Sports infrastructure is although very good with fac
ilities for table tennis, chess, carrom, football, tennis, badminton, cricket, v
Good academics with lots of projects. Tests two minors and one major. Lots of as
signments. Well Qualified faculty. Low accessibility of faculty.
College fees affordable= Rs 59,990. Lots of scholarships but are quota based- mi
nority, SC, ST, OBC. percentage depends upon those qualifying the criteria.
Internships are not in campus. Lots of companies for final placement in electric
al, cs, it , mechanical. Low placement in civil.
Restrictions for girls in roaming in college after 5 p.m. Good cultural diversit
y with students from different parts of the world. Student parties allowed but a
lcohol, loud music banned strictly. Lots of restaurants in vicinity.
Not very good academically. Always lagging in syllabus. Faculty is very good. Tw
o minors and one major per semester. Professors easily accessible.
schedule not very hectic.less number of assignments. Faculty very good. choice o
f course not much. depends upon how many people enroll in a single subject.
no exchange program. very less contact with peers from other colleges. huge draw
back. language spoken are english and hindi.
Scholarships quota based. SC, Minority , ST, OBC. No scholarship for toppers.Loa
ns easily available. J&K bank present in campus.
No assistance in internships. Also placements are not so good compared to other
NIT's. Around 50 percent. Alumni are in major positions in industry but are not
tapped by college efficiently.

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