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Name of the Technology: WeBWorK http://webwork.maa.

Technology Overview:
WeBWorK is a homework host site for math and science based classes. It is
supported by the Mathematics Association of America as well as the National Science
Foundation. Creation and maintenance of the site is totally free. Included with the free
site are 20,000 stored problems for a multitude of classes ranging from algebra to
complex analysis. Along with the stored problems, teachers are able to create their own
coding to write their own problems. As well as being able to update your individual site,
mathematicians and other teachers are constantly adding new ideas to the wiki page that
is connected to WeBWorKs main site. This allows users to constantly be updating their
sites with new information each site can be made new every semester. WeBWorKs easy
editing and sharing features make it a fantastic technology to use in the classroom
WeBWorK would be a great tool to use in my high school or late middle school
classroom. As a teacher you can create different problem sets for different classes to fit
more to the class skill set. Using WeBWorK as a homework technology also takes some
pressure off of you as a teacher. Each semester you only have to adjust your problem sets
a little bit to fit with your new class. Also WeBWorK grades the student work as well as
giving immediate feedback to the students. Directly after the students enter an answer the
problem goes green if it is correct and red if it is incorrect. This often helps meet an
essential math outcome of practicing the order of operations. Students will often have the
correct answer to a question but they will be missing things like a set of parenthesis or a
negative sign is in the wrong spot. When students see that they get an answer wrong but
they think it is correct, then their first step would be to go through and check that they
have every thing that they need for the answer to not only be correct but make sense
As a teacher I would not only use WeBWorK for a homework tool but I would
also use it as a tool for warm ups as well. If you presented a three problem set at the
beginning of each day on the SMART board and gave all the students time to complete
the problems then individual students could come up and show their work and enter their
answer in front of the class. If they are having trouble then the rest of the class would be
able to help the student at the board with hints or pointing out where they went wrong.
This process would meet two different learning outcomes. For the person presenting, it
lets them present their mathematical process in front of a group of people. This leads to
them fully understanding every bit of what they present. The other learning outcome that
is met is being able to critique another students math and see their mistakes. If the
student that is called up to the board can not figure out the entire problem then the class
must work together to get to the final answer. This encourages different ideas to be shared
and gets every student involved in the warm up.
WeBWorK is a fantastic technology for all sorts of classes and can be customized
to each individual class so it can be adjusted to fit literally any math or science based

Name of Technology: SMART exchange

Technology Overview:
SMART exchange is a free sharing forum for teachers and technology creators to
share their smart board presentations and tools. All that teachers need to do is create a
free account and they get access to content created by other teachers, publishers, and by
the SMART Company itself. Files that are uploaded to the site can be downloaded by
anyone with and account and edited to be individualized for each classroom. SMART
exchange is supported in 48 different countries and in 23 different languages so teachers
are able to see different teaching techniques and lessons from all over the world.
SMART exchange allows for custom searches to make finding any content or
lesson ideas easy to find. You are able to search by grade, content area, or by individual
state standard. Also SMART exchange puts up the top downloads and recent uploaded
files right on the homepage so all the content is easily accessible.
As a teacher SMART exchange is a great tool for your classroom. It could be used
in many different ways both from a teacher perspective and a student perspective. From a
teacher perspective SMART exchange could be used first and foremost to get ideas and
find tools to use for the SMART board in your classroom. Even if you do not have a
SMART board available the lesson ideas and community alone is worth signing up for.
Also as teachers we all have bad days where we may not have a great lesson ready for the
class. SMART exchange allows teachers to have a backup of activities to use for a game
day or review day. This really allows the students to still further their learning even just
by a basic fun lesson that isnt too hard on you as a teacher. Another reason SMART
exchange is so beneficial to teachers is the community that is created through the site.
Teachers are able to communicate their ideas for new lessons and others can add to them
to perfect them for the students. The vast community also allows for students to be
exposed to multiple different teaching techniques within the same lesson. This usually
creates a better learning atmosphere in your classroom because students do not get bored
with one consistent form of teaching.
Even though there are many uses of SMART exchange for teachers there are also
many uses for students. If there were a SMART board in my classroom then one of my
learning outcomes for the year would be that the students can use and create a basic
presentation using the SMART board. SMART exchange gives a place that students could
look for tutorials on how to create a basic presentation but they could also be exposed to
all the resources out there that they can use. After seeing all the resources that are
available on SMART exchange students could then use it as a fun study tool for future
SMART exchange also helps students meet any daily learning outcome such as
being able to convert between fractions decimals and percents, or being able to complete
a linear equation. Since there are so many different tools on SMART exchange almost
any daily learning outcome can be met with activities provided or based around
presentations on there. SMART exchange is such a great tool for both students and
teachers to use in an endless amount of ways.

Name of technology: Edmodo

Technology Overview:
Edmodo is a social learning platform for the primary and secondary levels of
education. It was created in 2008 and now has over 33 million users. Teachers are able to
sign up, create groups, and invite their students to join and share ideas in these groups.
Edmodo provides a safe social learning atmosphere that is also easily navigated by
students. Edmodo is essentially a social network like Facebook or Linkdin but it was built
with student safety in mind. Edmodo does not require any personal information and the
groups created by the teacher are only accessible through use of a code that is given to
the students in their class. Once involved in a group students can not be contacted by
anyone else on Edmodo that is not in that specific group. Edmodo allows the teacher to
have full control of each individual classs Edmodo group and can monitor all activities
that students are involved in on the site.
Edmodo is a great technology for teachers to use to organize their class. Students
are easily able to navigate through a teachers Edmodo page because it is set up exactly
like a social networking site. It allows students to meet the learning outcome of working
in groups very easily. Students can share information through discussions to collaborate
in an efficient way. A huge benefit of using Edmodo as a form of student collaboration is
that the teacher is able to see everything that the students are doing. You can see which
students have contributed to different parts of an assignment and grade accordingly to
how much they added to the group. When it comes to grading Edmodo makes it easier for
both students and teachers. Teachers can grade assignments and quickly upload the
grades to the grade book feature of Edmodo. Once the grades are entered students can
look them up and see feedback that the teacher has given to their work.
Edmodo also is a huge benefit to students who may miss class due to illness,
sports, or any other reason. The teacher can post assignment files to the classes group and
if a student misses class then they are able to obtain the assignment still as well as look at
any notes or other lesson activities that may be posted to help them make up the time they
This feature along with the daily, weekly, and monthly planner allows students to
meet a very valuable learning outcome in the classroom. One of the learning outcomes in
my class will be that students are able to use technology to complete assignments and
find resources online. Edmodo is a great tool to show very basic growth in this outcome.
It lets students use the group to download files and find other resources that may be
available on there.
Overall Edmodo is a fantastic tool to implement in any classroom because it helps
make communication and learning easier on both the students and the teacher.

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