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Lainey Losekamp

April 30, 2015

Field Experience Reflection
Reading/Language Arts Methods

During my M301 placement in the Spring Semester of 2015, I was assigned to

complete 30 hours of field experience in a fifth grade classroom. The school I attended
was called Mt. Carmel Elementary School and this school was located in a rural area.
The boy to girl ratio in the classroom was 7 boys and 17 girls and none of the students
have been classified as special needs, nor gifted and talented.
From my field experience, I observed how to set up different literacy work
stations in the classroom. The teacher was able to set up five different literacy work
stations that incorporated the Big Five. These stations were very clever and I took
pictures and wrote down the instructions for each work station. My cooperating gave me
credential websites to visit and resources to use when it comes to lesson planning. I felt
this semester I had a better grasp
I felt this semester I have learned a lot about myself as a teacher when it comes
to lesson planning. I feel like have been able to implement what I have been learning
from my course work into the classroom. For next semester, I really want to improve on
my management of classroom and to work on creating a highly-effective classroom. I
really struggled with these two areas and really want to improve.

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